StarShip's next challenge


StarShip's next challenge


The next test launch of the StarShip, according to Elon Musk the launch will take place in about two weeks, the new launch will incorporate a large number of improvements in order to try this time to comply with the flight plan, which would consist of the following critical points;

One, take off from the Stars base, they already do that well.

Two, separation of the Super Heavy rocket and the StarShip ship, this was achieved on the second attempt, although they self-destructed shortly after.

The next points have not yet been achieved, it would be to reach Earth orbit, although it will not make a complete revolution around the Earth, that is, reach space and then the rocket will land on one side in the Gulf of Mexico, while that the ship would merit near the waters of Hawaii in the Pacific. There is another critical point at this moment and that is reentry. Will the StarShip be able to make a good reentry, that's the thing, and if they achieve it Had the flight plan been fulfilled, if everything goes well the next challenges already committed would be, evolving the StarShip to the creation of a version of StarShip to take humans from the orbit of the moon to the surface of the moon would be the possible Artemis 3 mission, led by NASA.


This mission to return humans to the surface of the moon was initially seen for 2025, but as I already told you in November of last year, I said that it would surely be delayed to 2026, something that NASA confirmed in January of this same year. , it is possible that we will also see even before the arrival of Humans to the surface of the moon again, after the Apollo missions, it is possible that we will see another commitment that the StarShip has, an announced commitment, it is a curious tourist trip called Dirmont bound for the orbit of the moon.

The trip is financed by Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa, a space enthusiast, the launch was initially announced for 2023, but as it was impossible even in this year 2024, I do not think it would be extraordinary for it to be ready for that mission, since the StarShip that we see They are test ships, they do not have life support or anything to accommodate humans, all this is something that they will also have to develop and will also have to test first with professional astronauts, before putting tourists bound for the moon, but When it has passed all the tests and the StarShip is ready to accommodate humans on a space trip, we could really see Maezawa and his friends, among whom there are musicians, filmmakers, an Indian actor, there is a dancer, an Olympic medalist and at least there will be a professional astronaut will go just in case an emergency has to be attended to.

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