Space debris, a real threat.

Space debris, a real threat.


In previous publications I told you about the case of an object measuring about 1 kilometer that hit a house in Florida on March 8, breaking through the two-story roof. Luckily there was no personal injury, although it did cause some damage; Just between March 8 and 9, the entry into the atmosphere of a block or platform of batteries weighing almost 2,600 kg that were discarded from the international space station in March 2021 was announced.


And it has been proven that the object belonged to that battery block that left the international space station, NASA ratified it as such in a statement on April 15, by the way, if you look at the photo that NASA published, we can see the original piece of the battery and the object that fell in Florida, a large part of the materials that fall from space melt due to the heat of reentry and end up disintegrating in the atmosphere.


In the Florida piece you can perfectly see the effects of the heat and how it has lost some parts, but as you can see not everything disintegrates as demonstrated in the case of Florida and in more and more cases unfortunately because the amount of space debris increases. has multiplied in recent years and will continue to increase, which is why it is necessary to take measures such as the use of materials that disintegrate more easily.


One proposal for this is, for example, the plan to create satellites made of wood and other materials that replace metals and also create methods to collect space debris or remove it from orbit to safe areas. By the way, one of the cleanup plans is by Elon Musk, it would be about using the fairing of a StarShip as a mouth to catch inactive or drifting satellites, but there is more.

NASA, the European space agency and practically all space agencies are thinking about how to get rid of space debris. This other example is from the Clean space 1 mission, which despite the little flag you see has technical and economic of eight member states of the European space agency.


There may be another purpose here, it is not just that the European space agency, NASA, SpaceX and the rest of the national space agencies are worried, which they obviously are, because a fragment ends up walking over our head or colliding with a ship, to think a little here, there may be another type of use because if, like Elon Musk's proposal or that of the European space agency, you have a system or a ship capable of capturing an inactive satellite, you also have a ship or a system that is capable of capturing an active enemy satellite, for example, an enemy spy satellite.

Satellites are essential elements in modern wars and destroying them using a missile that has already been made is a very bad idea since it creates a cloud of fragments that can end up impacting other satellites, including your own, which is why the strategy Ideal in a space war would be to have a method or a ship that would be able to capture the enemy satellite and make it fall and disintegrate the atmosphere or better yet capture the enemy satellite, bring it to Earth and examine its technology.

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