Solar storms affect the earth's weather.

Solar storms affect the earth's weather.

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You have to differentiate between weather and climate, this is important because in colloquial speech we usually mix it up, we usually talk about the two terms as if they were synonymous, but in science they are not.

They are very different things, the climate refers to a long period, months, years, one can speak of seasonal climates or the climate of a specific region or of the course of longer periods of time while time, but time, time atmospheric refers to very short periods, just a couple of days or even a few hours, for example, here in my region we have had different times on the same day, in the morning it rained, at noon it was sunny and now a thunderstorm is about to break out, so they are different things that remain to be differentiated.

This clarification is due to the concern that, if solar storms affect the weather or the long-term climate on earth, and if solar storms are to blame for the heat waves that are being suffered in some parts of the planet in these days because it is also that this year we have a quite intense period of solar storms.

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These days are calm, but next week we may have some solar storms, there is no conclusive evidence that normal solar storms affect the weather on the Earth's surface, although there are nuances and some very curious nuances and there are also very interesting findings in recent years.

The normal ones, those that go on the scale from G1 to G5, of which we normally speak, do not alter the weather on earth, even the storms that are above that scale, such as the Carrington event of 1859, which is considered the storm most powerful solar radiation recorded in history since scientists study the sun with scientific methods.

It was the product of the most powerful flare that has been seen in the last 500 years, this is known from analyzing the impact of radiation on the polar ice caps, during the Carrington event northern lights were seen in Madrid or Havana, It supposes that the earth also suffered a shower of neutrons, although at that time there were no detectors to know how many neutrons fell at that time, nor is there evidence of negative effects on the health of the population.

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Of course, the telegraph networks and electrical installations were very damaged because at that time it must be clarified that the electrical installations were very few and very primitive, the security systems that currently exist did not exist, lastly and for what matters to us The issue we are talking about weather, climate and what happens in space, there is no record that the Carrington event altered the weather on the planet's surface.

But other even greater events occurred in the past, this is already more complex, we enter the field of nuances, for example, the Charlemagne event occurred between the years 774 and 775, it is known that it occurred because there are some references in writings of the time of auroras seen in Europe, auroras so impressive that those who saw them thought they were signs from God and what is even more extraordinary, Japanese scientists discovered that the event was recorded in deposits of carbon 14 in the rings of the trees of that time. epoch.

In 2012 researchers from the University of Kansas in the United States came to the conclusion that the Charlemagne event was 10 to 20 times more powerful than the Carrington event, which would mean the largest solar injection in the last 1,300 years, but that event It could have altered the Earth's climate, that cannot be answered, there is no data, nor is there written evidence of radical changes over time, if it had any effect, perhaps it was so mild that people did not notice it or nobody gave it importance.

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Although I clarify that the issue of Super solar events and their consequences such as this Charlemagne event and some others that occurred in the past, is a very new issue in science that is still being investigated, as you can imagine even if it has no effects on the climate. Another Charlemagne event would be something catastrophic for our technology. We would go back not to the Middle Ages but to the 19th century for a while.

In conclusion, solar storms do not affect the weather on the Earth's surface, and the hue of the Earth's surface, because they do affect at least one of the outer layers of the atmosphere, the thermosphere, there yes they do affect solar storms and in fact currently this year's solar storms are heating up the thermosphere dangerously not for our health not for our climate but dangerously for space satellites because they are inflating the atmosphere they are inflating it as if it were a cake in an oven.


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