Possible underground life on Mars.

Possible underground life on Mars..

The liquid water discovered on the red planet may be due to a reason similar to what happens here on Earth, on Earth as you know there is abundant liquid water rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, but there is also a lot of liquid water under the ground even Under the soil of the deserts, it is logical, the soil we walk on is not airtight, the water ends up filtering through pure gravity.

Under our feet there are oceans of water and also with two characteristics that are very important for the topic of Mars, the first is that this water can be there for a long time, ancient aquifers are called fossil water, there is an extreme case that serves as an example and is the aquifer discovered in the Timmins kit crate mine in Canada.

In 2009, an aquifer was discovered in the Kit Crate Mine near Timmis in Canada. The water is located about 2,400 meters deep. In more specific terms, in a confined aquifer, it had been trapped there for about 1,500 to just over 2,000 million. For years, the fossil water can stay under there forever, the only natural reason why it would rise to the surface is due to the geological activity of the plates that open cracks due to volcanoes or that become heated due to a pocket of magma and become leak as vapor to the outside.

The second issue is that on earth where there is liquid water, there is life, there is debate about whether life arose at the bottom of the ocean or in a shallow lagoon, in any case, once the spark of life was lit, the Living beings were expanding to every place where water was found.

The case of Canada is very important, the co-author of the study where the discovery of that fossil water was announced Chris Ballentine from the University of Manchester said verbatim about the discovery of Canada that “what we can be sure of is that we have identified a way in which “Planets can create and preserve a favorable environment for microorganisms for billions of years, regardless of how hospitable the surface may be.”

This opens up the possibility that similar environments also exist under the surface of Mars. In July 2019, the results of this research were published in which they reported the first evidence of visible and cultivable microbial life existing in that place. anaerobic beings, which do not need oxygen and what they do in this case is use chemical reactions with sulfur to obtain energy.

Something similar can happen on Mars, it is possible and with the current discovery the possibility increases a lot because what was announced on August 12, 2024, is not something very different from what we would find under the surface of the Earth. Here we get to the big question, to the core of the news, to what can change everything, we know that for at least several hundred million years it had the same habitable conditions as those on Earth, we know that life on the earth emerged quite early according to research presented just a few weeks ago by an international team of researchers led by the University of Bristol, Luca, which is how the first living being and common ancestor of all the other beings that populate the earth is known, including humans, appeared about 4.2 billion years ago, that is about 300 or 400 million years after the formation of our planet.

At that time Mars had oceans on its surface, life arose there too, if it did, some beings were able to migrate and adapt to living below the surface as happens here on Earth and it is not my opinion, pay attention to what the professor of earth and planetary sciences at the University of California at Berkley Michael Manga said verbatim “water is necessary for life as we know it, I don't see why the underground reservoir is not a habitable environment, it is certainly like that on earth, very mines deep harbor life, the ocean floor harbors life, we have not found any evidence of life on Mars but at least we have identified a place that in principle should be able to support life” was what this researcher said.

There will still be life on Mars, it will have evolved.

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