Possible discovery of a dark matter star

Possible discovery of a dark matter star.

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Czech researchers believe they have detected something astonishing, something that was previously thought to not exist, and if confirmed would be the first of its kind, and perhaps not the only one.

In the middle of last year, a group of researchers announced the discovery of a black hole of about eleven solar masses, they also exposed that a star similar to our sun was revolving around the hole, it took 188 days to complete one turn, the system is located about 1565 light years from us.

The finding was made thanks to the data collected by the Gaia mission of the European space agency, which consists of a space observatory launched in 2013 whose objective is to create the most accurate map of our Milky Way galaxy that has been made to date, to For this Gaia has to accurately measure the positions and movements of the stars, something that will serve to answer questions about their origin and evolution.

Also where are we going, where do they come from, is there a galaxy that is getting closer to us, Gaia's work can also help to discover black holes like the one in the center of the galaxy.

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But the interesting thing is that he doubts if it is a black hole because it could be something even stranger, just a few weeks ago Alexander M Pombo and Ippocratriz D saltas from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences published a study on the arbit preprint server , which has not yet been peer reviewed.

This means that in the coming weeks or months corrections may come out or they may prove that these researchers are wrong or they may also end up confirming the finding, but keeping this precaution in mind we are going to delve into the study and the amazing conclusions to which Czech researchers have arrived.

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To begin with, we must clarify that we do not see the black hole or whatever, we only see the movement that the star makes around a point where obviously there must be something so massive as to be able to make a star like the sun end up spinning All researchers agree on that.

The problem is that the affirmation that it is a black hole is complicated, because it raises problems about its origin, black holes are formed from the death of very massive stars and they do so in a very violent way, destroying everything they have around them. On the other hand, the star that we see now could not have been at the time of the formation of the supposed black hole since it is very close and in comparison it is very small with respect to the massive star that had to collapse and explode, that is, the explosion It should have destroyed the star.

One possible option is that the black hole was very old and during its journey through the cosmos it encountered the star gravitationally trapping it, but according to the Czech researchers this requires very complicated carambolas, many strange circumstances would have to have occurred to reach it. the current situation where the supposed black hole and the star orbit peacefully, without being swallowed by the black hole and also do so in a stable way since they will continue to be a couple calmly for millions of years.

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For this reason, the Czech researchers sought another approach; and if the dark companion is not a black hole, and if it were something stranger and also Stranger, and if it were a bossonic star or more popularly, a dark matter star.

Dark matter is one of the great mysteries of current science. We do not know what it is and we have never been able to catch a particle of dark matter. We do suspect its existence because it is the most likely explanation for a series of gravitational effects that manifest themselves. on a large cosmic scale by altering the movement of Galaxies by moving groups of stars or by creating gravitational lenses that are deformations of the fabric of space-time that magnify the light and radiation behind them with an optical lens.

We will be pending that they turn out to be in the end.

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