One step closer to mastering nuclear fusion

One step closer to mastering nuclear fusion


On December 5 there was a milestone in science, scientists from the Lawrence and Livermore National Laboratory in California achieved a nuclear fusion reaction with a net gain of energy, this is an unprecedented advance, this is to replicate on earth the same thing that occurs in the sun with a gigantic potential to transform our energy matrix and the entire energy system that we know in humanity.

This means for humanity also producing energy at a lower cost and above all clean energy, a very bright promise in energy matters,

In America's new nuclear fusion experiment, conducted at the University of California's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory which announced Monday it had replicated a nuclear reaction that produced more energy than was used to cause it, scientists had already accomplished that feat. last December, but this time the test produced a better return.

Nuclear power plants currently use fission, the division of the nucleus of a heavy atom to produce energy, nuclear fusion instead combines two hydrogen atoms to form a heavier helium atom, releasing a large amount of energy, this process occurs within the stars including the sun.

It's something that scientists have been chasing for many, many decades, for more than six decades they had dreamed of achieving this, so Jill Robbie the deputy secretary of the United States National Nuclear Security Administration didn't really exaggerate that this was a huge day. for humanity and for science.

This process involved simulating the condition of what happens in a star reaching ignition in a controlled fusion experiment, but of course this type of discovery always has its beautiful side, but it also has a very dark and quite dangerous side.

This fusion process is an essential process in modern Nuclear Weapons as well and has the potential to create abundant clean energy, but it can also be used in the NNSA's weapons deterrence programs without explosive nuclear testing, they have announced.


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