Nuclear bombs affect us all.

Nuclear bombs affect us all.

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Regarding the release of the Oppenheimer movie that tells the story behind the character who made this feat of science and engineering possible, a new study emerged that was published just a few days ago that shows how radioactive fallout during the days after the detonation was deposited in most of the United States, Mexico, and Canada, so if you live in these countries and haven't seen the movie Openheimer yet, you can now go see it knowing that a little bit of that plutonium is now a part of you.

The first atomic bomb was detonated 200 kilometers from Ciudad Juárez Mexico in a place called "day of the dead" in the Chihuahuan desert, and a new study that was published just a few days ago shows how radioactive fallout during the days after the detonation detonation was deposited in most of the United States, Mexico and Canada.

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In charge of this enormous company was General Leslie Groves Jr who chose the physicist Robert Oppenheimer as the architect of the atomic bomb, he was chosen because he had the ability to find creative solutions to complex problems and the facility to express them to his colleagues, this was partly due to to his experience as a teacher.

The goal was to build the bomb faster than Germany, which had no shortage of scientists and many of them had worked on the theory of how to sustain a chain reaction, and on Monday, July 16, 1945, the Chihuahuan desert lit up with brilliant of several suns, first the electromagnetic pulse was felt and heard, then silence elapsed until the sound of the explosion reached the observation sites 30 seconds later.

While Openheimer recited sacred Hindu poems and avoided paying Akowski a bet, a huge fireball rose over the day of the dead that would become a mushroom cloud that when dispersed would reach 21 km in altitude, the explosion was equivalent to 24,800 tons of dynamite corresponding to 1.21 kilograms of amateur plutonium, that is, only a fifth of the 6 kg plutonium core was fissioned and 4.8 kilograms of unfissioned plutonium remained scattered in the surrounding crater and in the rising cloud and was traveling in a northeasterly direction.

According to the 1940 census more than half a million people lived within a 200 kilometer radius of the explosion, some families lived as close as 20 kilometers, the shock wave was felt as far as 100 kilometers from Georgia Green in Socorro.

The official explanation that was sent to the local newspapers was that an army weapons depot had accidentally exploded, it was not until three weeks later when one of the bombs had already been dropped on Japan that the nature of the test carried out at the site was revealed. Chihuahuan desert, but for some farmers it was too late, fallout monitoring personnel found sky-high levels of radiation directly below the blast cloud as it traveled northeast.


But if that wasn't enough, a new study was able to recreate the weather conditions at the time of the test at Trinity and the days after using newly released historical weather data from the European Center for Medium-Range Climate Forecasts, which shows a record of the weather patterns at altitudes above 10 km every hour, the result is this chilling animation.

For some reason, this map does not include the territories of Mexico or Canada, but it is evident that the scope of the radioactive fallout during the first 10 days is vast to reach practically the entire territory of the United States and a good part of Mexico and Canada, The United States alone has carried out 1052 nuclear tests, most of them carried out at the Nevada test site and despite the fact that it has not carried out more nuclear tests since 1992, the radioactive products of its nuclei can remain for decades and this study gives us proof of how far that they can arrive

The very biographically focused film Openheimer did not show these very important aspects of nuclear testing.



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This is worrying, when it comes to political interests, they don't think about the people or the damage that could happen.
The same thing happened in my country during the colonial era, in the years 1960 and 1961, the French military conducted four nuclear tests close to Reggane, Algeria, polluting the Sahara desert with plutonium, exposing troops, employees, and the native Tuareg to radioactive fallout, and resulting in long-term health impacts including cancer, infertility, and genetic abnormalities.


If it is very worrying, the development of any technology for warlike purposes, is the ambition of man to conquer, without measuring the consequences.

