New Harvard study says aliens live with us.

New Harvard study says aliens live with us.

Humanity's search for alien life on other planets has been an ongoing fascination, but a new paper from Harvard researchers suggests an intriguing twist—extraterrestrials could already be secretly living among us here on Earth, yes you read that right.

This article, which has left the academic world debating the issue, suggests that aliens could be living inside our planet, invisible to our eyes. Furthermore, research suggests that UFOs, those unidentified flying objects seen in the skies, could be be aliens visiting earth to find their own species.

Imagine intelligent beings living underground or even disguised among us walking through the same streets, going to the same places, all this is part of cryptology, a until now pseudoscience that treats and studies these beings considered myths, yes the adepts of this field of Studies are finally being taken seriously and using science as a basis for their theories.

Who would have thought, these theories have been heard for a long time by those with the aluminum cap; We really live in new times, according to the study, aliens or intelligent beings could be causing the unidentified anomalous phenomena, the uapes that appear from time to time.

These beings were called cryptoterrestrials and the theory is divided into four main categories cryptoterrestrial humans, highly advanced ancient human civilizations that survived catastrophes and still exist hiddenly; cryptoterrestrial theropods or hominids, beings evolved from intelligent dinosaurs or hominids that now live underground; extra-temporal crypto-terrestrials, aliens who traveled from the moon or other places and hide between us and magical crypto-terrestrials, folkloric beings such as fairies and elves suggesting a magical connection with humans.

The authors know that their theories are bold and may be received with skepticism, but they believe that they deserve to be discussed by the scientific community. They even recognize that the theory of magical creatures is the most difficult to accept, but that does not stop them from seeking answers. article titled the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis that has not yet been peer reviewed.

The study is available on for those who want to delve deeper into that intriguing topic and cites several cases of UFO sightings and discusses how governments try to hide information about these events, the researchers emphasize that although they believe the hypothesis is still probably false It deserves scientific investigation, and what do you think of this aliens among us theory is it a fascinating idea or pure science fiction.

Study Source

Official website

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