Mind machine connection


Mind machine connection


The first time I saw in hobby science the potential of the connection between mind and machine was in the 1982 film Firefox played by Clint Eastwood based on a 1979 novel by writer Craig Thomas, in the film Clint played an American pilot who are commissioned to steal an ultra-modern fighter plane developed by the Soviet Union.

The plane is a technological marvel but the most amazing thing and the key to the story is that the helmet can read the pilot's thoughts and connect the pilot's mind to the plane's systems, including the weapons systems, which can be activated simply by thinking about it. When I saw the movie years after its release I thought it was amazing, but it is possible to create an airplane like the Firefox, the answer is yes, and it is also a Rolls-Royce.


That plane capable of acting by reading the pilot's mind is the Tempest, it is being developed in the United Kingdom for the RAF the Royal Air Force, its creators are a team of companies where Rolls-Royce stands out, which in addition to making cars is a of the oldest aircraft engine and technology construction companies in the world.

Sensors in the pilot's helmet monitor brain signals and other medical data and connect the pilot's mind with Artificial Intelligence that serves as an assistant to manage all the information from how to fly the plane to combat systems. Artificial Intelligence can even intervene. If, for example, the pilot loses consciousness, Artificial Intelligence can detect it and take control of the plane to prevent it from crashing. These are just some of the helmet's capabilities.

Being a military product, it is possible that we only know a minimal part of the potential of the helmet and the plane, the first flight of the Tempest will be in 2027, these futuristic helmets will not only be used for airplanes, they can also be applied to tanks, other combat vehicles and also to airplanes. civilians, it would not be strange to think that in a few years commercial airline pilots will use helmets that connect their brains with the plane's artificial intelligence.

But this is a connection without intervention in your head, it is a connection without surgery, an external connection, it is a helmet that you put on and take off and the Tempest will not be the only one, in China they have recruited 50 experts and are developing a technology that would allow a connection without surgery, through an external system, not much else is known, nor at what point they are, it is possible that it is an online system and similar to that of the Tempest helmet.

Although it would not be surprising if in the coming years the Chinese take a step further and advance towards a technology similar to that of neuralink, that of surgical implants, because what happens with making connections directly in the head, that is something futuristic, because it really does not .

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