Magnetic Anomalies on the Lunar surface.

Magnetic Anomalies on the Lunar surface.

We are going to one of the oldest lunar mysteries, as on Mars there are mysteries under its surface, the moon hides things, one of them is the Aitken impact basin, one of the largest in the solar system where the NASA Probe landed. China, where he obtained the samples from La Cara Oculta, is a very special place since that impact basin is suspected of having a large mass of metal beneath it, beneath its surface, supposedly the core of the asteroid that impacted the moon and apart from that impact brought out a large amount of materials and elements that should be very deep, which will be one of the wonderful places to develop space mining in the future and that is why it is one of the places that interests both the United States and China.

But there are other very strange places, which have their own characteristics, their own landscapes, one is Reiner Gamma, the most famous region, the most famous lunar drawing, but there are more, it is believed that they are the product of local magnetic anomalies, the moon does not have a global magnetic field like that of the Earth, but there are remains of locally strong magnetic fields, caused by magnetic anomalies that we do not understand very well.

What this magnetic anomaly has done is protect the ground from solar radiation from the solar wind and if the rest of the surface of the moon is toasted by the solar wind, that protected area in this case in Reiner Gamma would be toasted, Clarita would be more protected Thanks to this local magnetic field, they are interesting areas because it is thought that they could also be ideal areas to establish a base on the moon, since they would be somewhat protected from cosmic radiation but they are also interesting because of what may be underneath.


It is suspected that these anomalies are the product of something that must be down there, be it metals, a metal beta or other things that we do not know; The latest research is from the University of Washington and has come to the conclusion that these anomalies are a product of the activity of underground magma on the moon, an underground magma loaded with metals, iron specifically, which would have caused this reaction by magnetizing and creating that local magnetic field.

There was a plan to create a plan to create an artificial magnetic field around Mars through a satellite or a constellation of satellites that should be powered by solar energy and that plan was presented years ago at NASA, it is a quite expensive plan. , but at least we would have the development of the technology to carry it out and it would mean having a protective magnetic field for Mars and also a plan b for Earth in case there is a problem with our magnetic field and we have to build an artificial one to protect us from the problems of cosmic radiation and solar wind.

In this same line of research, materials are being studied that act as a shield against cosmic radiation, especially for trips to Mars, which are the most dangerous because they last many months.

Study Source

Official website

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