How to stop and prevent myopia in young people.


How to stop and prevent myopia in young people.

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Myopia is an epidemic throughout the world, especially in Asia, and it all began when the alarms went off in Taiwan and in many Asian countries when all the new recruits wore glasses, that was when the authorities of that country took it very seriously. oh really.

In Taiwan, China, Japan, Singapore and Korea we can see our future where the incidence of myopia is so high that it is already a public health problem because the epidemic arrived there first, sometimes the stereotypes are culturally right, in these Asian countries A lot of pressure is put on children to be students and to excel not only in school but with a musical instrument, which means not going out much or at all.


Ian Morgan, who originally investigated the effects of dopamine on the nerves of the eye, concluded that exposure to light stimulated the release of dopamine in the retina and also knew that dopamine could control the elongation of the eye, which allows us to finally have clear vision at 4 years old but if it continues it makes us myopic.

While Chang Wu, a myopic ophthalmologist from Taiwan, like Morgan, had dedicated his career to finding ways to prevent myopia, and the 2008 study that proved the importance of spending time outdoors led him to seek government support to implement a program that began to have results in Taiwan after decades of uninterrupted growth of myopia in Taiwan, it managed to reach its highest figure in 2011 with 50% of myopes and for the first time that percentage began to decrease, a way had been found to stop and prevent myopia


Everything was very nice until the “pandemic” arrived in 2020 and the numbers spiked again, because people had to stay at home, but the solution is there, which is why it seems strange to me that in the rest of the world we are not implementing the programs that we They also served in Asia; In Taiwan it is called Tian Tian Outdoor 120 which means every day 120, which are the minutes that children must spend outside the classroom to produce dopamine that will prevent their eyes from lengthening.

2 hours a day outdoors is what you need to stop your myopia problem and also prevent small children from developing it and I am not referring to sunbathing directly, you can be where the shade of the ash tree hits very tasty and still produce the dopamine needed just by seeing daylight instead of a computer or phone screen.

In Taiwan, this measure was complemented by the program called “Near Work Break 3010,” which means that for every 30 minutes of detailed work or reading, students must rest their eyes by relaxing by looking at distant objects through the window or going outside, which is always better. go out.

Image created by me with AI

So in conclusion reading books damages your eyesight, yes, if you do it in low light and if you don't go out and spend a couple of hours outside to walk around where you can see things far away and your eyes can produce the dopamine they need simply by seeing the light. of the day.

But if reading books in inappropriate conditions damages your eyesight, phones are much worse, so you know, read with good lighting, not so close, minimize the use of screens, especially those that we see up close, such as the computer or the telephone, and most importantly Go out for a walk or whatever you want, but observe from afar and do it during the day so that your eyes receive more light and produce dopamine which prevents myopia or slows it down, if you already have it, preferably all of this a couple of hours a day or whatever you can.

I hope that like me you have learned a lot.

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Well it is interesting but I am not sure maybe it is needed more studies, I think there is a big genetic background behind this problem.

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