From pencil to something more complex


From pencil to something more complex

Carbon is one of the most important elements in nature, especially for us living beings since the basis of our existence is carbon molecules, carbon atoms can be organized in various ways, for example, carbon is A black stone that burns easily is a source of energy, but if we organize the carbon atoms in the coal in another way we would have a diamond, carbon and diamond are made up of the same element but the way in which they are structured gives very different results and properties.

This example helps us understand the following news because physicists from the MIT Institute of Technology in Massachusetts have converted the graphite, which is the carbon that we find in pencil lead, into something completely different and literally what the researchers have said is that this new material has three important properties never before seen in natural graphite.

Graphite is composed of graphene which is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagon that resemble a honeycomb structure. Graphene in turn has been the subject of intense research since it was first isolated about 20 years ago. Then about 5 years ago, researchers including those at MIT discovered that by stacking individual sheets of graphene and rotating them at a slight angle to each other, the resulting material acquired new properties from superconductivity to magnetism.

What the scientists have done now in this case was to take five ultra-thin flakes of graphite, stack them in a specific order and then rotate them at a slight angle to each other, they call it twistronica, this twistronica thing is a whole field of research because you can get new and surprising materials with layers of graphene, as long as you get the right twists and turns, if you get it you may end up finding something as valuable as diamond to develop new technologies.

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