From myth to reality of Giant Waves.

From myth to reality of Giant Waves.


The oceans still hold many mysteries, and inside they have the energy of the planet and sometimes with that energy amazing things are manifested such as giant waves, monstrous waves, solitary waves or also called rebellious waves. For a long time it was believed that these types of waves were a myth, a story, from The Old Sailors to scare newbies but things changed when in 1995 a Rebel wave, a giant wave almost 26 m high, crashed into an oil platform in Norway, causing destruction and a terrible scare. on the operators although the platform held.

The Norwegian platforms are designed to withstand the waves of the North Sea, which are some of the strongest on the planet, but luckily on that platform there were digital instruments to capture and measure that giant wave and that was the first time that scientists began to take the subject very seriously and to handle data from something that was believed to be only a myth because the question that has intrigued until now is where these solitary giant waves come from.

Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, have used artificial intelligence methods to discover a mathematical model that provides a recipe for how and when Rebel waves can occur, with the help of a huge amount of data about ocean movements because researchers have handled an enormous amount, they have reviewed data from one billion waves of all types collected by buoys from 158 different locations around the coasts of the United States and overseas territories.

As you can imagine, without an Artificial Intelligence that handles all that volume of data it would be impossible, since they are waves that are defined and originate somewhere in the ocean. Researchers have established a dominant factor known as linear superposition, it is a phenomenon that It occurs when two wave systems intersect and reinforce each other for a short period of time, this would be the cause that produces this type of solitary giant waves, now with the algorithm that the researchers have developed they will be able to use it to inform the Navigators because every day there are about 50,000 loaded ships traveling in some direction on the planet and the planet's oceans.

Perhaps this algorithm and all this data will help us explain some mysterious ship disappearances that occurred in the past.

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