For the first time it simulates a kilonova

For the first time it simulates a kilonova


An investigation carried out by scientists from the GSI Helmholtzzentrum Für Schwerionenforschung and the Queen's University of the Belfast Northern Ireland have developed have created a simulation of a kilonova, a kilonova is a tremendous hyper-violent explosion that occurs when two neutron stars or a neutron star with a black hole collide or merge.

In that colossal explosion, heavy elements heavier than iron such as gold and silver are produced. The gold and silver we have on Earth come from a kilonova event, from neutron stars that collided.

Studying kilonova is essential to know where elements heavier than iron came from, where gold, silver, platinum or elements like uranium came from, we can now detect them with LIGO (Livingston Observatory), LIGO is a gravitational wave detector and they have improved it lately; With the new improvement it will overcome the quantum limit, gravitational waves are produced by colossal events in the Cosmos like the ones I mentioned before, they literally move the fabric of space – time, they make it tremble and they do it constantly.


These waves pass through us, we do not notice it because they are vibrations on a subatomic scale where we are on Earth because if we were next to a black hole or a neutron star colliding with another neutron star we would notice it and very dangerously.

To detect these waves that reach the Earth, we must use extremely precise tools such as LIGO, which has the ability to measure the stretching and contraction of the fabric of space-time at scales 10,000 billion times smaller than a human hair. is that at such a small scale, space is not empty, it is full of quantum noise from quantum activity and that activity interferes with LIGO measurements.

LIGO researchers are going to apply a new quantum technology, they have called it “expression” and this technology allows them to solve the problem of quantum noise and in this way they will multiply LIGO's capacity to be able to detect this type of waves and study them with With greater precision, we will be able to know better what gravity is and how it works.

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