China's conquest of the moon

China's conquest of the moon


Getting information about China's space plans is not easy, unlike the United States, Europe, Japan or India, China publishes very little material and we normally have to find out what it is doing through statements made by those responsible for the space program. Chinese at conferences or to the media.

The following news is more of a leak that comes to us through a video uploaded by YouTube user Chen hun long who took the video of another video that was shown on a screen apparently in a meeting, which is why the images are not of good quality. quality and you can even see the heads of those attending the meeting passing by, but the interesting thing, the important thing is that the images show us what could be China's plan to establish a permanent human base on the moon.

First of all, they would put a space station into lunar orbit, that is the same thing that the Artemis program led by NASA will also do, then China will look for lunar caverns formed by ancient lava tubes, that happened when the moon had volcanic activity, those caverns can be kilometers long and tens of meters wide.

For years, experts have argued that lunar caverns would be ideal places to establish a human base, since beneath the ground humans would be protected from harmful cosmic radiation and the impact of micrometeorites and I'm not just talking about NASA, the space agency. European and Japanese have also done a great job locating Lunar Caves, in 2017 the Hassa space agency, the Japanese space agency located a lunar cave about 50 km long and about 100 m wide in the Marius Hills.

There is a problem in all this, once an interesting cave is located, how do we enter it, some holes have been located that could be entrances to caves, but perhaps they are not in the most appropriate place or they may only lead to small caves, here The Chinese seem to be going to resolve the matter in a more explosive way.

According to the video, the Chinese would launch a missile from their lunar station to bombard the place where they want to create the entrance, we would have an instant door to the subsoil of the moon, a radical solution but one that could open the door to a lunar cave right in the place that is more interesting.


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