Call home, Voyager 1

Call home, Voyager 1


Talking about sensations and premonitions may not sound very scientific but there is a sad feeling and a bad feeling among astronautics fans about the future of the Voyager 1 spacecraft, since the technicians cannot repair its latest failure.

NASA still has hope, but the issue is getting very complicated. In mid-December, NASA announced that it had a problem with one of the three computers on Voyager 1, the so-called flight data system. The spacecraft receives and executes commands sent from Earth, but the spacecraft's computer does not communicate properly and is not capable of sending scientific and navigation data to Earth.

The data it must send is in the form of ones and zeros or binary code, but the computer began transmitting a repetitive pattern of ones and zeros, over and over again, the same message as if it were living in a constant Déjà vu .


The ship was launched in 1977 along with its twin Voyager 2, they are the two spacecraft that have been in operation for the longest time in history and their energy sources are increasingly scarce, so it is not surprising that they suffer malfunctions, In fact, in mid-May 2022, NASA reported a communications problem with this spacecraft, Voyager 1, which, so to speak, had gone “crazy.”

If now they are repetitive messages, those from 2022 were random messages, without any meaning after many analyzes and operations, on August 30, 2022, NASA reported that the engineers had resolved the problem and that the ship was functioning normally again, in Currently, engineers are trying to solve the new problem since, although the ship has its systems at a minimum and with less and less energy, it was still sending valuable data about the region that it is crossing at 24,320 million kilometers, nothing human has arrived never so far.

A message from the earth, the ship traveling at the speed of light, takes 22 hours and 35 minutes to arrive, and the same is the same time it takes for a message from the ship to the earth. Let's hope that the engineers manage to repair the failure.

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Voyager 1 has been a resilient messenger for us, sending us interstellar data for decades. It served us way longer than it's expected to operate. It deserves an honorable farewell as it reaches distant stars.

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That's right, it was not expected that they would last so long, rather they have been very late in sending other Voyayers with modern equipment in many directions of the universe.


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