Avoid thunderstorms

Avoid thunderstorms

Image created by me in playgroundai

I have always been fascinated by all natural phenomena, especially those that have light or electricity and nothing on Earth has more light and electricity than lightning, they are spectacular, but I know that lightning is not a game, lightning kills 2,000 people a year these 27 times more than shark victims

Although there are people who survive a lightning strike, they can be left with permanent sequelae such as hearing loss, injuries to internal organs and extremities, including bones and nerves, brain damage, and in the best of cases tattoos. with burns caused by the current as it travels through the skin.

If an electrical storm catches you at home you don't have to do anything, disconnect the devices that you don't want to be fried if lightning strikes nearby, grab a book and wait for it to pass, what you should avoid at home is using electrical devices that are plugged in or talking on the home phone.

Electricity and telephone lines can carry lightning strikes for kilometers to the comfort of your home and lastly, do not bathe or wash dishes during a thunderstorm, it is best to stay away from the pipes.

Image created by me in playgroundai

If the electrical storm catches you in the street, stay away from the trees, it is the favorite place for lightning to strike and Electricity and telephone poles and metal structures and metal fences, since, even if the lightning strikes far away, they can conduct the download to you, take refuge in a closed building and wait until the lightning stops being heard you can get inside a Store.

An electrical storm can also surprise you in unpopulated areas, if you are on the hill, the last place you want to be when an electrical storm is coming is a hill or a hill, the electrical current seeks the path of least resistance to discharge there, so prefer high places like trees, buildings or hills that are closer to the clouds, sometimes the storm has not arrived yet and there is no lightning nearby, but you can notice signs that you are in danger.

On the internet there are countless videos of people recorded with electrified hair, all laughing and having fun, until lightning strikes you because you don't understand what is happening, these people are in the middle of a huge electrical potential difference between the ground that they step on and the clouds that they have above, at any moment that current will find the way to balance and if they do not get safe it will be through them.

Image created by me in playgroundai

Now let's suppose you are in the middle of nowhere and you don't have buildings or cars where you can take refuge, it doesn't look good, first of all, avoid making the highest object in the area, this is the reason why many lightning victims are golfers who refuse to stop playing despite the thunderstorm on them, if you have to choose between a lone tree and a group of trees, the group of trees is always a better option.

If you have no place to take shelter, and no metal objects on top of you, you are going to stand with your feet together and crouch down to a squatting position with your heels touching, your palms going to the sides of your head covering your feet. ears, if lightning strikes you nearby this could prevent you from losing your hearing, your elbows should touch your legs and you should avoid touching the ground with your hands, this is the safest position to weather a storm.

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Posted with proof of brain
