Another advance to create extinct animals. [EN/PT]
Another advance to create extinct animals.
The emerging company Colossal Biosciences has achieved a breakthrough that they have described as momentous in de-extinctioning the woolly mammoth, a breakthrough that could also unlock several fields of biological research, such as how to manufacture the basic components of a baby mammoth.
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Em português
Mais um avanço para criar animais extintos.
A empresa emergente Colossal Biosciences alcançou um avanço que descreveu como importante na extinção do mamute peludo, um avanço que também poderia desbloquear vários campos de investigação biológica, como a forma de fabricar os componentes básicos de um bebé mamute.
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I feel that nature has its purpose in wiping off certain species at certain times. This hasn't always been because of human intervention. Nature has always been putting species to extinction even in the prehistoric times.
I say let them be. It's nice to know about them and preserve them for as long as we can but to "resurrect" them may pose risks we're not yet aware of.
I share your opinion, I hope they develop the technology, and help other species, and do not end up like many movies show where everything goes wrong.
I appreciate your comment.
May you be very well.