AI from Now To 2030


Sitting, and from this perspective looking ahead to artificial intelligence, it really strikes just how fast this will change life as we know it. This is a personal issue that goes well beyond the proposition of robots taking on some of our work or streamlining some of our lives.

Think about the last time you ordered something online, probably either groceries or booking a flight. If you are anything like me, you noticed how it feels as if these things know what you want even before you realize it yourself. Oh, AI; making things move quickly and just a bit more convenient in life. But at what cost now, I wonder?

It is, actually, a dizzying rate of change. I still remember how waiting for an average shipment could take around one week. With AI, it's reduced to the same day. Great comfort, but also that much further ahead at breakneck speed: worlds where everything in life seems to be just now. Pretty often, I'm overdriven against time, which invariably tells on the losing side.

Another point, which probably touches a bit too close to home, is that of privacy. Every click, swipe, analyze, and curate is added onto everything we will do and see. It's really intimidating to think that AI systems know more about my habits and preferences than even I could. The prospect of who is now in possession of this information and for what purpose it's going to be put makes me very queasy. We seem to be perpetually on this tight wire, balancing convenience and invasion of privacy.

Forget the legal aspect, even trying to keep up with AI regulations has been like chasing shadows. All governments and companies have jumped into a rush in an attempt to make rules that would catch up with rapid technological advancement. Now, the chaos is out there, and at times, I wonder whether the legal systems will ever deal effectively with this shifting landscape.

Of course, through all of this garbage, there's a small thread of optimism, and that is human-AI partnership. What if it isn't a question of an AI arms race or AI taking over? What if it just adds to or improves on what we already do? So doctors can come up with diagnoses faster and more accurate, or lawyers can work on cases more complicated. It should bring us to making AI really augment our capabilities, not replace them.

The industries of today are changing in ways unimaginable. Artificially intelligent systems change the methods of learning and healing, and even locating our way in the world. These changes are exciting yet equally challenging reminders that we need to further these changes with thoughtfulness.

Ultimately, AI will shape our future in very profound ways. It's up to us to make sure that is a future where technology is an enabler for our lives and not whittling away at the things that matter to us. Innovating with ethics will be significantly weighted as we move along in this wave of change.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
