

Fake Oatmeal.

United Nations stole the Grand Canyon? People are raised in the religion of nihilism/apathy dressed up in whichever religion an individual may prefer as a cover for what lies underneath, some of which is unaware. Addiction is a soul slavery. Grew up in an alleged ghetto, the homies pressured me to do weed but I never really liked it. My dad would be drunk all the time. So, I would try to stay away from beer. Wanna get high the gangsters asked. I would say nah I'm high on life and on Jesus. Not an argument. For Covid, God gave us vitamins/health/natural remedies/sunshine/food/water/rest/heat/immune system. Masks/vaccines/lockdowns/famines murdered 100+ million people. For self-defense, God gave us guns/Home Alone tactics/police/neighborhood watches/others. One of my goals for 2024 is build oatmeal websites preferably via cryptocurrency blockchain similar to technology found on @hiveblog2, @PeakDcom, @ecency_official, @ecency_team, @hiveblogger, @steemit, @Hiveblog_Art, @Bitcoin, @BlurtAlerts, @VoilkNetwork, @Bitchute, @rumblevideo. Is a heart not a pump but more so a vortex of muscles folded up around itself? Schools lied to us, water does not have only three states but four being solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. The secret to blood pumping through our veins is not so much the heart/vortex as it is the gel/crystalline-phased plasma state of structured-water which pushes, it's like electric or something. A lot of water in our body is bulk/unchanged but a certain percentage of body water is an electrical propulsion/grid energy plasma gel which is like power-lines from a power plant which helps pump the blood through our body. Did Obama say all we have to do is flood the sewers (American people) with confusion/disinformation/contradictions/chaos/spam/propaganda to discredit government leaders so we can win and take over? Obama just say that at the Standford Cyber Policy Center? Mark Hamill see this?

After begging everyone in my Discord Server to meet my demands, not only did they mock me for months for it, they didn't even try to reach a compromise thus justifying my departure, trolls spam fake news about me to everyone who dare join in order to trick them into leaving. Instead of sending me hard drives or websites, Roy Merrick sent a book, soap, shirts; and Roy generally only drops memes/videos/etc inside my private/personal super secret Discord Server which is full of 400+ Lolcow Trolls who spam fake news about me to scare away new people, wow. I'm not exactly sure what Roy wants but one of my desires is in archiving and syndicating on the Internet at least some of my work/projects, didn't say all of my content but as much as possible before 2025 is my current target before transition to my next chapter in my life/story.

Trump was possibly the best president ever in 2017 despite picking the wrong people into his cabinet minus @GenFlynn and being lied into making many bad decisions including promoting the killer Covid Vaccines and not pardoning Jan6/Julian Assange/Edward Snowden/McAfee/Alex Jones. During 9/11 as the World Trade Center buildings were coming down, people inside them continued making money, it's almost like suicide, I imagine they were making trades in the stock market or what have you, cue in the Ironic song by @Alanis or these golfers near fire or bombers. Is gold plasma water inside our blood the extradimensional gateway to the sixth sense?


Biden Blacky Girl McDonald's GCYO0hvawAAFUkJ.jpeg

Want Lies With That?

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-27 - Wednesday | Published in December of 2023



Random Outline of my Jan6 Involvement, General Overview

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

12:11 AM
Oatmeal Life, Rebrand Thyself, Part 2

Content creators might separate their private life from their content
You might say I failed to do that
Content creation is a craft/art
So many ways to do it
Many times for decades, I would be an urge to start another channel
Because I wanted a channel for this thing
And then I wanted an another channel for that thing
And so on and so forth
Until I ended up with 40+ YouTube channels
And dozens of Facebook accounts
Around 200 Facebook groups
Around 200 Facebook pages
And so on and so forth
In some ways, I've evolved/rebranded myself over the years
For better and for worse, I became what I am today
But I feel like my earlier work was pretty bad
Not to say my newer content is better
But I try to increase the quality of my content
I try to step up my game each year
You might say I talk too much/often about my personal life
Which includes this video even
I'm gonna continue doing what I do
But at the same time, I'm considering different options
I would like to finish up a lot in 2024
And then perhaps consider moving to other states/countries
But many variables between here and there
Have a lot more to say about everything
And did a bad job with everything/everybody/everywhere for decades
I'm still evaluating/analyzing/studying/contemplating
Have many things on my to-do list
Will try to reorganize my priorities because I can't do everything
So, I'm actively trying to reposition my lists of goals
I'm constantly juggling through active/ongoing work/projects
For example, I'm contemplating how many different YouTube channels to focus on
Contemplating how many websites/blogs/articles to prioritize
Which topics/categories/subjects/genres/projects/work/content
Should I focus more on entertainment, culture, politics, history, law, health, etc
Perhaps, just tell your story, perhaps there's valuetainment in that
I'll say, telling your story begins with finding your heart beat and taking the time to let others relax just long enough to hear it

02:00 AM
Oatmeal Music - Open Heart Brain Sing Song Oatmeal World What's Going On

I open up my heart
And I open up my brain
And I sing this song
For the Oatmeal World
What's going on


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

02:36 AM

Rebel Moon starring Xray Girl. 03:10 AM. Trump was possibly the best president ever in 2017 despite picking the wrong people into his cabinet minus @GenFlynn and being lied into making many bad decisions including promoting the killer Covid Vaccines and not pardoning Jan6/Julian Assange/Edward Snowden/McAfee/Alex Jones. 03:56 AM. United Nations stole the Grand Canyon? 04:10 AM. People are raised in the religion of nihilism/apathy dressed up in whichever religion an individual may prefer as a cover for what lies underneath, some of which is unaware.

11:00 AM
Addiction is a soul slavery. Grew up in an alleged ghetto, the homies pressured me to do weed but I never really liked it. My dad would be drunk all the time. So, I would try to stay away from beer. Wanna get high the gangsters asked. I would say nah I'm high on life and on Jesus. 12:32 PM. Not an argument. For Covid, God gave us vitamins/health/natural remedies/sunshine/food/water/rest/heat/immune system. Masks/vaccines/lockdowns/famines murdered 100+ million people. For self-defense, God gave us guns/Home Alone tactics/police/neighborhood watches/others.

01:23 PM
One of my goals for 2024 is build oatmeal websites preferably via cryptocurrency blockchain similar to technology found on @hiveblog2, @PeakDcom, @ecency_official, @ecency_team, @hiveblogger, @steemit, @Hiveblog_Art, @Bitcoin, @BlurtAlerts, @VoilkNetwork, @Bitchute, @rumblevideo.

07:47 PM
Is gold plasma water inside our blood the extradimensional gateway to the sixth sense?

08:24 PM
Stone Cold Steve Austin @steveaustin should persuade @HulkHogan and @TheRock to flip off the Emperor, WEF Klause Schwab and please go on @RealAlexJones to talk about fighting the real NWO, pun intended for Hogan who was on the NWO.

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-27 - Wednesday - 11:15 AM - Discord Log.

After begging everyone in my Discord Server to meet my demands, not only did they mock me for months for it, they didn't even try to reach a compromise thus justifying my departure, trolls spam fake news about me to everyone who dare join in order to trick them into leaving. 12:07 PM. Instead of sending me hard drives or websites, Roy Merrick sent a book, soap, shirts; and Roy generally only drops memes/videos/etc inside my private/personal super secret Discord Server which is full of 400+ Lolcow Trolls who spam fake news about me to scare away new people, wow. 12:20 PM. I'm not exactly sure what Roy wants but one of my desires is in archiving and syndicating on the Internet at least some of my work/projects, didn't say all of my content but as much as possible before 2025 is my current target before transition to my next chapter in my life/story. 12:43 PM. Trolls will say you're automatically bad for whatever it might be which sometimes might be true. The problem is it's more an assumption. Like in my case with Twitter, you might say I'm bad for posting 106K tweets but it's challenging if you're not even looking at what I tweet/say. 12:47 PM. Truth is stranger than fiction, trolls harassed me going back to 2010 or longer meaning there is a lot to unpack there as it's a long story which I've covered in videos/articles detailing criminals who put my family in danger especially in 2023 with police swatting us/trolls lie. 12:51 PM. Are you being sarcastic? Truth of the matter is I've been dealing with trolls for decades. I've dealt with drama and many things. Dr. Sanchez wrote: "Everything he does is like 4d chess." That is true to some extent that I'm milking my lolcow trolls. 12:55 PM. Trolls will say Oatmeal bad. But they know. They just make up stuff. They said I do nothing offline. But I talk about in my daily blog. But they don't know that because they're surface level. They don't read past headlines. They enjoy lying and bank on how you won't look into it. 04:41 PM. Past few months I was trying to get bots to timeout users who spam and other offenses too. I think I got some of that to work. Currently the bots might not be working. So, I will try to fix that in 2024. The idea is to have bots increase the punishments each time. Like a one minute timeout for the first infraction. And then five minutes for the next one. Then ten minutes. Then an hour. Up to 7 days or longer maybe. That would be my idea as a general rule. Sometimes the issues can be if different bots cancel each other out, like in math, sometimes things may not work depending on the combinations of everything or at least that is my theory. 04:46 PM. Part of me wants to let people spam in the lower chat levels and encourage higher level members to ignore the weirdos like Blawg haha in the lower chat levels. But perhaps timeouts are good too. But my main desire is to focus on promoting and demoting as the main punishment/incentive. 08:09 PM. Don't join my Discord Server because my 400+ Decentralized Syndicated Black-Market Lolcow Trolls are doxing everybody who joins so they can swat/arrest them, harass them, steal pizza/credit cards, commit identity theft. This is why I've abandoned this crime scene invasion.

01:27 AM
Will globalists be arrested? Will we win with electing Trump in 2024. I hope so. But globalists are like cornered wild animals. So, they will try to start world war 3 and more pandemics and turn off the power and more mass shootings and so many things. So, the world has to be ready for even more scams in the next few years. So many innocent people die because of them.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


The Doll Factory 103-104

2023-12-27 - Wednesday - 02:46 AM - The Doll Factory 103-104

Maze. Saw man. Sex. Painting slashed. Learning. Dog. No marriage. He no like. Party. People cheer him. Boy sneaks into house. Black lady helps boy with that. Other guy did not know her, he thought he knew her but was delusional imagining it in his head.

01:27 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 12/27/23 • IT’S ALL GOING DOWN, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

Heart Vortex

2023-12-27 - Thursday - 01:30 PM - Health Log.

Is a heart not a pump but more so a vortex of muscles folded up around itself? Schools lied to us, water does not have only three states but four being solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. The secret to blood pumping through our veins is not so much the heart/vortex as it is the gel/crystalline-phased plasma state of structured-water which pushes, it's like electric or something. 01:53 PM. A lot of water in our body is bulk/unchanged but a certain percentage of body water is an electrical propulsion/grid energy plasma gel which is like power-lines from a power plant which helps pump the blood through our body. Plasma water in your body is negatively charged while the bulk water is positively charged very similar to how batteries, which contains liquid inside, work. In this sense our body is one big battery of energy to the extent the energy can be charged up between the tension/balance. Is our blood/plasma powered by electromagnetic infrared red radiation light (IR/EMR)? Is water voice-activated? It's not the heart that pumps the blood but actually the blood that pumps the heart, this is my spoon bending Matrix Neo moment. Gold can turn into white powder? Gold sent to other dimensions? Gold is conductive? Is that why there's gold in my laptop? When blood goes through our heart vortex, it turns into gold? Blood/plasma goes through the heart vortex and turns into gold, is this Greek to you? What would be the purpose for the heart to make gold in our bodies? Is it to help contain/protect the energy within bloodstream, the plasma which works like a liquid charged battery, with an outer layer?

04:23 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Wednesday 12/27/23 • WWIII, COLLAPSED Border, The Great Awakening, It’s All

05:05 PM
During 9/11 as the World Trade Center buildings were coming down, people inside them continued making money, it's almost like suicide, I imagine they were making trades in the stock market or what have you, cue in the Ironic song by @Alanis or these golfers near fire or bombers.

06:54 PM
Did Obama say all we have to do is flood the sewers (American people) with confusion/disinformation/contradictions/chaos/spam/propaganda to discredit government leaders so we can win and take over? Obama just say that at the Standford Cyber Policy Center? Mark Hamill see this?

Here is a list of what I'm watching

01:27 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 12/27/23 • IT’S ALL GOING DOWN, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

04:23 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Wednesday 12/27/23 • WWIII, COLLAPSED Border, The Great Awakening, It’s All

07:50 PM
Ron Gibson - WAR ROOM [FULL] Wednesday 12/27/23 • Will Judge Stop Trump from Making ‘Political Attacks’ In Trial

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 10:35 AM. Breakfast, 10:49 AM. Asked mom if she knew about washer dryer combos which are sold for a thousand buck on Amazon, she said yeah. I might have asked her this like 20 years ago and maybe she said at that time that such a combo would be a bad idea. I think people should have them assuming they work well enough and can last like 100 years or something. The longer then the more justified the price can be. Plus if it can be repaired and parts can be replaced, then even better. Helped grab boxes for mom from top shelf above the dryer side which had these like special blenders and cutting devices for dicing carrots and such as she makes pea soup or whatever. I dug up the dirt compost and potato bed behind the book shed around 11. Sweeping sidewalks. Back here to my computer around 11:45 AM. Lunch, 01:25 PM. Dishes at 3, coffee to potato bed, mail. Shower, 03:40 PM. I feel good. Cleaned glasses a bit. More dishes, 07:00 PM. Dinner, 07:36 PM. Nap, 10:20 PM to 12:10 AM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 10:49 AM. Lunch: rice on pea soup, very good stuff, 01:25 PM. Dinner: more of the pea soup, 07:36 PM.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.
