Probable causes of Dinosaur extinction


The dinosaurs went completely extinct at the same time. The reason for the extinction of the dinosaurs is not yet figured out. Several conflicting forces are generally thought to be the main cause of the dinosaur extinction.

The possible reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs:

Dinosaurs lived by eating a lot of plants or herbivores. Due to the extinction of these plants, there was a shortage of food for the dinosaurs. As a result, dinosaurs gradually became extinct. During the Mesozoic era, the Laramaide revolution caused drastic changes in the Earth's landscape. The spread of land led to the drying up of the muddy swamps of the herbivorous dinosaurs. As a result, herbivorous dinosaurs became extinct.

There was a lot of conflict and war between the dinosaurs that led to their destruction. The brains of dinosaurs were not that well structured. Hence their low intelligence leads to extinction by more intelligent animals.


During the Middle Ages, many changes in the geographical environment took place due to the uplift or subsidence of the land surface due to changes in the geographical conditions. As a result, the dinosaur's intentions are accelerated or disrupted.

At the end of the Cretaceous period, the earth's surface began to rise and wetlands receded. As a result, dinosaurs that lived in shallow swamps and lagoons faced a habitat crisis.

Some venomous snakes evolved during the Mesozoic Era. Dinosaurs died quickly from their bites. Dinosaurs didn't have a better way of preserving their eggs. The eggs were very large, so they were easily spotted and destroyed by other animals.


The herbivorous dinosaurs became extinct due to the lack of food for the carnivorous dinosaurs that ate them. Some egg-laying reptiles and mammals appeared in the late Cretaceous period. They ate dinosaur eggs.

From the appropriate reasons, it can be clearly said that the extinction of dinosaurs emerged due to changes in the natural environment, lack of food, changes in the biological environment, and various internal reasons.


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