More about Topes...



Hello friends, a few days ago I shared some photos of my last trip, where I showed you some of the things seen during my stay in Topes de Collantes, the places visited and the activities carried out where joy and enjoyment occupied the first place.

Today I bring you more photos of the trip….

These photos were taken while we were climbing a small hill, although small we have to admit that it is exhausting and that is why we decided to go up the stairs. The stairs were not as comfortable as we would like, but they were the best option and I tell you... they scared me a bit, because of the height, their construction, I was afraid of falling off them.

At the end of the stairs we reach the greenhouse, where plants of great diversity of species and tastes are sold.

After we passed the greenhouse we arrived at a house where various drinks, infusions and coffee are sold, in addition to having an exhibition of all the wood that is in this region, there are small samples of each of the trees planted here and the history of how They came to this beautiful place.

Leaving this place we enter the Plaza de las Memorias Topeñas, where there are various places, the House of Topeñas Stories, where there are exhibitions on various items of historical figures and natives of this town, telling the local history, we also find the House del Chocolate, where in addition to this delicious sweet they sold soft drinks, ice cream, and other sweets that captivated your palate.

This experience was beautiful, it allowed us to learn more about the history of this small but beautiful place hidden among the mountains.

I hope you enjoyed the photos….

Greetings and blessings.


Hello, you all seem to have had a great time that day. Thanks for sharing a bit of your day 😊


Yes, we all enjoyed it very much..... thank you for your comment.☺️
