Why That Stomach Ulcer is Not Healing


Do you know if we do a survey for people who are more stubborn, I mean dog-headed out of these two people, people with Lactose intolerance and people with ulcer because people with lactose intolerance would never stop taking so much diary products beyond what they can take but one can be more painful than the other and ulcer is that one although, it can heal within a few months of treatment. But then my friend, do you know there are certain reasons why your ulcers wouldn't heal up?

My mum used to have ulcer since I was a child and now I am old and she still has this repeated ulcers and I realize that there are a few things that could make an ulcer not heal up and I will discuss this in this post.


First, Recurrent H-Pylori Infection is one cause for recurrent ulcer. A lot of stomach ulcers that we know of today is caused by H-pylori. When the bacteria gets into the stomach, they begin to burrow a hole in the stomach. You would expect that your stomach acid reaches a large part of your stomach and in doing that, they begin to injure the stomach. While the bacteria is common in humans, only about 10% to 15% of the time does it cause ulcer. Just so you know, this bacteria can always come back into the body, especially in places with poor sanitation and over time, it can become resistant to drugs thereby not causing that ulcer you have to heal properly. Before you start to wonder where you are getting that H-pylori from, it can be from what we consume or from mouth to mouth contact (Yes that partner you are kissing).

I have a friend who is so used to using NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Inflammatory Drugs) to reduce pain and fever, and it is so bad that he uses it at every chance that he gets. You see, using NSAIDs excessively can aggravate ulcer. If you have ulcers and you use NSAIDs, it can make it worse. This is why when you visit the doctor, you would be asked if you have ulcers so you can be given alternative drugs.

Alcohol and Smoke is another factor that can lead to ulcers. Smoking can hinder blood flow to the stomach, slowing down or completely stopping ulcers from healing. I usually tell my neighbor to slow down or stop smoking and drinking before it slows down their health condition or stops it fully. Excessive alcohol intake can inflame or irritate the stomach lining, in a condition known as Gastritis and it is a common cause of peptic ulcers.


You work a lot, so do I. We all have goals we want to meet especially when it looks like you are staying in one position for a very long time. What you need to do is very simple, and it is stop overworking or stressing yourself because that simple stress can impact the body healing process and increase acid production in the stomach thereby preventing wounds in the stomach from healing.

A lot of us do not like to complete our doses when we are given medications to use at the hospital especially antibiotics. Why am I including myself; When you open the medical shelve or cupboard of a lot of people, you will be so surprised at how many unfinished medications they have there. You see, when you are given antibiotics at the hospital for your ulcers and you stop using it, then the bacteria starts to become resistant to it.

My sister is in the group of people I am about to talk about and these people eat peppery food. Dietary factor is another factor that can lead to ulcers. Spicy foods can increase the acid in acid in the stomach and slow down healing of stomach wounds but then it isn't only spicy foods alone. You see that coffee, and soda can also lead to ulcers.

let me quickly mention this as the final point for why that ulcer you have been having for years is yet to be treated and it is Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome. You know that condition that causes the body to release too much gastrin hormone that releases too much acid as a result of tumors in the stomach or small intestine. People with this condition can suffer from peptic ulcer and diarrhea.




I have had more counts of women with stomach ulcers than men and it is like they are of the reproductive age usually after 1 or 2 children. I came to this conclusion because as a child, most of the female adults I knew either suffered, or is suffering from Ulcer and/or uterine fibroid.


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Haven't had any relationship with an ulcer patient but this was a nice read. I got to learn, relearn and unlearn, thanks so much for sharing.
