Physiological and Dietary Factors Influencing Gastrointestinal Health


Ah, the topic we can't escape - poop! It can either be the highlight of your day or a total nightmare, depending on which side of the coin you find yourself on. Regardless of our personal feelings, we can't deny that the act of expelling waste is a fundamental aspect of our lives, and when things go awry, it's impossible to overlook.

Passing out feces actually might look simple, but there are a lot of things to consider and you would be so surprise at the number of people who have bowel problems and require the help of a doctor, or a surgery. Some people can experience constipation in a very serious manner that they will require a pace maker which is used to stimulate heart muscles to control their bowel movements. To avoid finding yourself in the hospital looking for a savior to get that poop out of your system, then follow my instructions.


Let's start with the basics; water. Hydration is key. The large intestine is where waste is stored, and it requires ample moisture for smooth passage. Inadequate water intake prolongs the transit time for bowel movements, increasing the risk of constipation. The longer stool stays in the colon, the drier it becomes as water is reabsorbed, resulting in constipation and hard stool, which may lead to painful experiences. While laxatives can be a quick fix for constipation, it's advisable to prioritize water intake to prevent these issues.

Simple diet changes such as drinking more water and less alcohol can help ease bowel movement. When you experience excessive straining, difficulty in expelling stool, hard or lumpy stool, sensation of incomplete evacuation, abdominal bloating, fullness, discomfort and pain, prolonged time to stool, and the need to use manual maneuver such as finger evacuation are signs that show you have constipation.


Since we have discussed water, we can discuss fibers. Fibers are great for the gut bacteria known as the gut microbiome. In case you do not know, gut microbiome have a huge role to play in our lives, affecting both our physical and mental health. With fibers, these microbiomes thrive properly helping to protect us as well as help ease bowel movement. That's not all about fiber because it helps to make stools bulked up and easy to pass out. Unless a person suffers from conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, then they are good to have about 30g of fibers.

Have you had this urge to go to the toilet having a hot food or drink? This is because drinking something hot or eating something hot especially drinking coffee can stimulate gastrocolic reflux which causes gastrin to be released which then causes other hormones that will increase contraction of intestinal muscles, increasing intestinal motility and causing bowel movement.


Aside drinking something hot, have you noticed that when you eat sugar-free gum, you feel like using the toilet? This is because sugar-free gums contain the chemical sorbitol which is an osmotic laxative causing you to feel pressed and wanting to pass out waste.

While a lot of us just go to the toilet to pass our feces and a lot of people find it difficult to empty that bowel, it is important to know that paying attention to your hydration, fiber intake, and even the temperature of your food and drinks can significantly impact the ease and comfort of your bowel movements. So, let's embrace the quirky aspects of our bodily functions and make informed choices for a happier and healthier digestive experience while becoming an expert in passing out feces easily (actually, the last five words were a joke)



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