How Early 2000s Tech Shaped My Passion for Innovation and Technology
image using ai.

I remember when I was a kid back in early 2000's tech was just rising and evolving into something better. Tech was just something ordinary and we used to have a television at home that function with both antenna and cable or dish.

My first computer was a gift from my mom that system was intel pentium 4 and it had a fat monitor plus that CPU in giant white box also had floppy disk that doesn't exist anymore in latest PCs. From the early days I was just so interested in technology and how everything used to function.

There's a whole story behind how this love for the technology developed in my heart from childhood and I'm sure it'll bring back nostalgia for those who are reading.

Some of Cartoons started developing my Interest in Technology

Life as a kid before the rise of technology and androids used to be a lot different. We had televisions at home and there used to be many great cartoons of all type like funny, educational and just amazing animation and story.

The very first cartoon that made me in love with the technology was "Jimmy Neutron", he was the genius with an IQ of 210 or something.

He had this robotic dog that I always wanted to make one when I was a kid and Jimmy Neutron had a brain that used to invent all kind of gadgets to fix the problems he was dealing with.

Other than Jimmy Neutron, there was also a scary cartoon that made me ask my mom to get me a computer when I was in 3rd grade.

This scary cartoon I'm talking about is "Courage the cowardly dog" in this cartoon that dog was coward they say but in my perspective he was brave enough to fight against those demons and creatures especially his own owner was hard to deal with.

Anyways, in this cartoon the dog had a computer that used to answer everything he wanted to know more like the ChatGPT before it even exist.

Later I have the computer and kept on doing my own experiment on it after watching cartoons i explored apps, went to ms paint, Internet explorer and so on as well as playing games.

Discovery, Cartoons and other Shows on Television Played it's Role

Now they say only old people watch television rest of the world watch from online stream platforms but back then discovery channel used to have shows about wild life, ocean, space

And my favourite one was related to space where they explain theories and tell about the planets, asteroids, black hole etc.

image by Victoria from Pixabay

And the telescopes they use or the rocket launched by the NASA it all made me a fan of technology from the early days.

Someday I wanted to become an astronaut and the other day I had urge to create a rocket or a robot and stuff like that.

Whenever I had a Toy: Assemble and dissemble

If I had a car that works with remote control and any kind of toy with some remote control I had this one job to dissemble that remote control

image by Thananchai Surion from Pixabay

Just because I was curious how this car is functioning just because I've a controller in my hand.

I did destroyed so many of toys just trying to figure out how they actually work.

I Witnessed the Evolution of Technology in my life

I'm so glad that I witnessed an era without android phones and grew up watching television with family, using old system of computer like Pentium 3 and 4 with floppy disks, Nintendo, MP3 etc.

Back then there was no such thing as LCD, we had monitors and the pixels used to be trash compared to now

Today we have OLED technology, LCD and LEDs that are way more advanced and have more than 4k pixels.

image is mine.

We had cameras that requires reels to take a picture and there used to be cell as battery but now camera's are digital with all kind of equipments and brands. I still have one camera from that reels era and i can't find reels or cells to make it work again.

It wasn't possible for rockets to return from space that time but now spaceships can come back from space and land successfully without failures.

We have androids that functions much better than compared to a decade ago. I used to watch robots in cartoon but now it is a reality that robot are doing a lot of functions and Ai is evolving into something more better.

Wrapping Up...

In the end, I've realized that it was the moments I spent using old technology, along with the constant improvements in tech making life easier as I grew up, that sparked my love for technology.

I can only imagine how far technology will go in next 10 or 20 years from now. Some of us are living more in this tech world than the real world, using gadgets and exploring new things.

I wonder what's your thinking on this tech we have now and how it used to be before. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 03/09/2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Finally, I found the name of this cartoon, Jimmy Neutron. It is one of my best cartoons because of the science stuffs, that guy is so smart and intelligent. I don't mind going on YouTube tonight to see if there are episodes of it online😂😂

It's a normal thing for boys to want to check what exactly was controlling the toys from the remote. I remember the first real tech stuff I had was a Ben 10 sport car my uncle bought for me. This car came with a remote control that was 3x bigger than my palms and with it the car can do all sort of stunt. The car was a mystery to every one because what kind of advance tech it had at that time; I'm talking about 14 years ago.

I really want to see how advanced technology will be in the next 10 to 20 years, I want to be involved in the evolution.


Haha, I never forgot the name of any cartoon especially this one cuz it's one of favourite.

You'll definitely find some of those episodes on YouTube.

remember the first real tech stuff I had was a Ben 10 sport car my uncle bought for me.

Man youuuu are lucky fr, I wanted to have a Ben 10 watch that was like dream back then !LOL

Glad we got to talk about Good old memories like this.

And yea in next two years.. I just want to see how advanced it'll be.. we're a part of this evolution, let's comeback after 20 years to this point (if we living - hope so)



Early 2000, that's when technological advancement in Nigeria took a new turn.
