Doing something right?

Trump's Rogan appearance restored my faith in our world. It did, though not for the reason one might assume. When I first heard Trump was going to be on Rogan, I was a little apprehensive. Mostly of it turning into an adoration expose on Rogan's part which, albeit out-of-character wouldn't have been out of the question and would've been such a disappointment. It's always a let-down when the people you thought stood for truth alongside you shuffle a little to the right in the name of greed,fear, and ideology. But of course, it didn't happen with Rogan. If anything, it was a testament to his skill and honesty.

Screenshot from 2024-10-27 14-46-08.png

It was also a reminder that our society is heading in a good direction (I hope) - the fact alone that a US presidential candidate would consider being interviewed on a podcast speaks volumes about the cultural shift we're going through. It's perhaps the proverbial final nail in the MSM's long-overdue coffin.

It's even more exciting to me that it was a mutually beneficial arrangement. In the older days of traditional television, it would've been quite the feat for the interviewer in question to bag a sit-down with (very possibly) the next president of the U.S. (not to mention a former president already). It would've meant something. And yet, it seems to me Trump had more to gain by being on Rogan than vice-versa. Think about it. Joe Rogan has millions of followers that tune into his podcast every day. He didn't need Trump to ensure ratings or audience, unlike many MSM channels today. On the other hand, having built a reputation for honesty and common sense, an interview with Rogan might appeal to those yet undecided centre-leaning voters who look at either end of the political spectrum and see devils.

Rogan (like most "fascist, alt-right, extremist" figures lambasted by the woke today) was not and is not a Republican or a conservative in the true, old sense of the word. To those of us who don't view him as a feral taker of horse-medicine, he's built a reputation as upstanding, fair-minded, well-documented and deeply intelligent individual. If he appears to be supporting Trump, many of those unimpressed by MAGA frenzy might just decide in Trump's favor. Which signals a tremendous shift in our culture, if you think about it. That this un-owned, genuine, well-balanced guy can make more of an impact on the presidential election than the MSM. It's mind-boggling and exciting, irrespective of how you feel about Trump.

There was an interesting moment in the interview when Rogan was asking Trump about the 2020 election and his claim that it was stolen from him. And Rogan said something along the lines of "most interviewers cut you off when you try to speak about that, but I'll allow it.". Very telling language.

It also speaks well of Trump's team that he appeared on the show. That he was largely preaching to the converted is clear - after all, many Rogan listeners also fall in the feral horse-medicine-taking alt-right bracket. So I don't know how many new votes it won Trump, but it does signal something interesting about him and his team - there's a visionary aspect to them, they are recognizing that the times are a-changing and they're signaling to the world that they're willing to play by our new rules.

(Obviously, untrue. More likely, the game is still the one these big shots know and are good at, merely in a new sheath. But we can still hope.)

By refusing to appear on Rogan, Kamala et cohort are telling us that they are not willing to play by the new rules, thus painting themselves (in spite of empty slogans and mad ideology) as the enemies of progress.

Personally, I hope she does go on Rogan. I'd like to hear it, and I imagine it could be a smart move having a similar effect on undecided voters. Perhaps if I, as a centrist undecidee come to regard her as a reasonable human being (something Rogan is good at bringing out in his guests when he so chooses and when they let him) who's willing to meet my rules, I might just vote in her favor. If it's a PR mistake letting her on Rogan, it's a much bigger folly to abstain from this new cultural order.

What did you think of the interview?


94.142 STEM


I’d like to see Kamala go on too.
I’d say it’s important to have her just have a normal conversation.
I definitely think trumps appearance on Rogan makes him come across more human and less of this sensational fascist that the media paints him to be.

I still find him very narcissistic, he is always happy to talk about how great he is and how great he did…

It’s leaves me feeling strange, I appreciate and find it refreshing to hear a politician say what he really thinks and it feels genuine.
But then I also find his genuine self kinda gross, like I don’t think I would like having a person with his personality around me on a regular basis.
Maybe amusing for a dinner party or something, but I’d avoid him if he was a neighbor.

0.000 STEM

say it’s important to have her just have a normal conversation.

It seemed to me that was Rogan's intention, too. He certainly didn't bite when Trump insisted she'd make a fool of herself, which I liked.

I still find him very narcissistic, he is always happy to talk about how great he is and how great he did…

Me too, though I wonder how much of it is campaign and how much is genuine. I thought the insistence on all the amazing accomplishments of his presidency was tiring, but then, it might just convince some people (so maybe it's a campaign trick?). I dunno. I don't remember listening to him talk before he was in politics, so can't compare.

But then I also find his genuine self kinda gross, like I don’t think I would like having a person with his personality around me on a regular basis.

Agreed. I think so many people are just so surprised to hear a genuine response from a politician, they ignore the fact that he doesn't really seem very nice.

0.000 STEM

Other than some soundbites, i haven't seen the interview yet. In general though, I think Trump is pretty genuine when he speaks. I mean I'm sure that when he is talking about his performance as president that he is selling himself a little bit (he is campaigning after all) but Trump always speaks in hyperbole. Everything is "the best" or "the worst", "amazing" or "terrible". I don't think there is any intent to deceive, it's just the way he speaks. He doesn't leave a lot of room for subtlety when it comes to something he sees as good vs. something he sees as bad.

Likewise, while his personality can be abrasive, I don't think he is not nice. He is nice to those who are nice to him and doesn't put up with bullshit from those that are not. And why would he? Look at how he is treated in the media and by his political opponents. He's not really a turn the other cheek kind of guy. Maybe that's a character flaw but it is an understandable one.

With Trump I think we are, for the most part, seeing the real guy. With Kamala, i have no idea who we are seeing. She tends not to answer the most basic questions in a meaningful way and blames Trump whenever questioned on anything the Biden/Harris administration has done (on the rare occasions she puts herself in a position to be questioned about anything). I would love to see Kamala do Rogan or any real interview where she speaks genuinely. Maybe it would change my opinion of her. Right now my opinion is that she is locked into her ideological world view and it is one that would lead the whole country in the direction of California which would be economically disastrous among other bad things. More than that, i think she cares far more about her own career than for doing a good job for the country.

I say all of this as someone who has yet to vote for Trump in any election (I've voted Libertarian in the last few presidential elections) though I'm leaning heavily that way this time around.

0.000 STEM

It wouldn've been epic if Trump smoked weed like Elon🤣. I haven't heard this particular interview but whoever does Trump campaign this year is doing amazing jobs. He's all over the internet and going with famous influencer that could improve his image and also to introduce himself to young voters. I'd love to see Kamala on it too just to balance the two 😄

0.000 STEM

Oh that would've been too good. Exactly, they're doing a great job. Even if he loses the election, he's still won the campaign itself.

0.000 STEM

I haven't listened to the interview yet, but it was interesting that Rogan was willing to do it. He has put himself in the firing line for being political, which has never really been his forte. But it proves that people want more than just soundbites and the format of these long interviews helps bring the person out of the propaganda. Harris should do it also.

0.000 STEM

That's what attracted me to it too! I think he's been fairly temperate politically in this election (Rogan, I mean). I've been listening to a fair bit of him and never felt like I was listening to an open Trump plug session. I hope she does :)

0.000 STEM

Watched the first quarter or third of the interview. Right up to and after Trump explaining how he came up with his first administration's picks. Joe did a good job of presenting how Trump had become demonized by the media and presenters like folks on The View, regardless how one may feel about his politics.

0.000 STEM

Exactly! It seems crazy to me that people who disagree with Trump would give this kind of interview a wide berth. Since when do you have to agree with everything someone says to listen to them?

0.044 STEM

disappointed that it was only 10-15 minutes about Aliens, if even that. Not that i expected Trump to say "yes we do have Aliens in Area 51" just that it would be funny for them to talk for an hour about it. Rogan is known to go on the Aliens deep dive :)

Rogan did a good job. It was nothing spectacular. And he was pretty unbias.

Not sure why people expect he would be anything different with Kamala. But there would probably be some problems with even soft questions, especially because he had his fair share of problems with corporate media and there is no way to defend it.

And we have in our country our version of Kamala. Having problems answering simple questions, no one picked her for anything and if there was a chance no one would probably picked her even for a building manager. But she was a prime minister for 8 years (or what ever it was).

0.000 STEM

Ha, me too. I was just saying, when aliens land and go on Rogan (because of course), he'll have them talking UFC within the hour. And then it will be complete, somehow. Not that I mind personally, both great topics.

Yeah, I wish he'd said more on it too, but I think he was wary of stoking the "tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist" mob.

Not sure why people expect he would be anything different with Kamala.

I think it's mostly left-leaning types who don't listen to Rogan who expect that, since I imagine most regular listeners know what he's like already.

You do? :O How did she get in office, is it known? Not that it's exactly surprising, all countries seem to have them. Our current president is most known for owning terrain and going on holiday, so xD

0.000 STEM

when aliens land and go on Rogan (because of course), he'll have them talking UFC within the hour.


our prime mister is sugested by party that gets most votes and picked by parliament so essentially by the current president. and it is possible because George Carlin was right about people (some time ago i thought it is a bit harsh but no he is right :) )

and a lot of election manipulation, but that is another topic :)

0.000 STEM

Yeah, the older I get, the less I doubt Carlin. I think people are generally good, most of us, anyway. It's just good people don't get too far in politics.

Every election, I come back to his bit about it. Puts me at ease about not going out to vote.

0.000 STEM

only time i went to a political rally was for this guy. They spent 2-3k eur on a campaign and ended up 3th on presidential elections with 10% of votes, leaving behind professional politicians with 20-30 years in politics.

He did promise that he will build a sea in Serbia, how can you not vote for him :)

0.000 STEM

Oh my god, that has to be the best political ad I've ever seen. Hands down. Why does he look like an extra in a Viking movie? :D

He did promise that he will build a sea in Serbia, how can you not vote for him :)

I love that xD When he's done, please send him over here. I've been waiting for them to build one in Bucharest for years. He looks like he can get it done.

0.000 STEM

They were sick of the politics bullshit and decided to troll the elections in their small town. His pseudonim was Beli Preletacevic (translates to something like White Flipflopper). And they just went with most bizarre promises. He was also saying he will steal but also give to the people, he will take bribes... and they won over 30% in their town (second best)

Presidential elections were next year so they just run with it. Not sure what would happen if that was today with all this Tiktok, instagram shorts and trends, it would probably be even crazier. But getting 3 place in a presidential race while driving around with your friends in a Golf 2 around the country with budget of few 1000e was pretty crazy and showed how sick people are of politicians.

0.000 STEM

This interview renewed my faith that the world is actually moving into a new paradigm. This transition took longer and was more painful than I'd hoped it would be but it's undoubtedly happening now. Rogan was masterful at reining Trump back on topic when he "weaved" too widely and struck a great balance between being respectful and not too soft. As a result the curtain was parted and we saw a glimpse of the man behind the political mask. It's anyone's guess who will win next week (I don't think you can trust the polls) but if Trump wins he has this interview to thank for it.

It doesn't surprise me Kamala's team declined. They aren't anywhere near prepared for an unscripted conversation like this.

0.000 STEM

Rogan was masterful at reining Trump back on topic when he "weaved" too widely and struck a great balance between being respectful and not too soft.

100%! I was impressed with how laidback JR was and how well he commanded that whole thing. I think Trump will win, too. Hope so anyway. I was talking with some fairly liberal-leaning friends over here and they were saying the same - it surprised me how wide-spread this image of Kamala as underprepared and the worse option is. Might be a long shot, but I really hope some good comes out of the RFK partnership as well.

0.009 STEM

How the interview was conducted was so refreshing! There's no doubt it was the death knell for traditional main stream media. Podcasts will become the main outlet politicians will use in future elections. It's becoming clear to more and more Americans that the democratic party has been compromised by big business (both parties are guilty of this) and possibly even foreign agents.

I believe that a vote for Harris would be a vote for that big, ugly war/pharma machine. I'm a lifelong democratic-leaning independent but I can't vote for the Dems anymore. It's become crystal clear that she is a talking head who just reads what the machine wants her to say from the teleprompters. That said, I still don't trust Trump 100% and feel his Achilles Heel is his immense ego but I like the team he's assembling (Kennedy, Gabbard, Musk)...a like them a whole lot. I think if he just listens to his team and lets them do their jobs it would make this country a whole lot better. Some of my past mistrust of him I've later learned was due to a coordinated misinformation campaign designed to discredit him. Maybe over time I will learn to trust him more. After all, every single politician has a closet full of skeletons (some have entire warehouses). Policies and the ability to lead are what makes the real difference.

Tensions are so high in America leading up to the election next week. If it's not won by a landslide, election results will take a while to tabulate and it will increase the odds of violence. If Harris does manage to win I'm truly afraid of what will happen in the cities. Transitionary times are very chaotic and we're definitely undergoing a massive paradigm shift right now.

0.000 STEM

I did not watch the interview sitting in Zanzibar living life on another planet it seems where news don’t hit us because stunning sunsets are more the priority living a good and peaceful life BUT you made me curious

0.000 STEM

Alas, I don't think anyone can espace the circus that is American politics (though personally, I feel much the same, living my own life and extracting myself from any political media). But I like Rogan, so I figured there's my political education/information for the year xD Sounds like Zanzibar is really suiting you :)

0.000 STEM

It was quite refreshing to hear long form from a president and not just 1hr long form but real long form. The comments on his episode were so interesting that morning as most of them were from outside of the USA and they were so positive i was pretty shocked and inspired.

0.000 STEM

It certainly was! It's mind-boggling time and again not just how long these podcasts go, but how successful they are. And I'm seeing more podcasters dare to go longer now, following Rogan's example presumably. It seems positive that politics is trying to adapt, since a lot of young people (myself included) don't really follow what's going on otherwise.

0.000 STEM

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