Technological Advancement, What It Will Look Like In Near Future

When I grew and came across computer the sight with it's functions weren't as fast as what we have in our today world. I said this to mean, we are moving knowledge is expanding as people are thinking of more ways to use the technology to their advantage. In a shortest while many will be out of job because more technologies would have been made to do some work that we are doing now. The only thing that can make one stand out is the ability to use the technology to his advantage. No matter how far these technologies are developed they still need men to manage it, so if more people can learn how to manipulate these technologies it will put those people in a better position. Also, when it comes to the use of technology to advance our designs, it is obvious that lots of designs are there which are better than what men just created because they are AI powered. But the truth remains that, there are no technology in place that can insert the date, time and other schedule of meetings, so we still need people behind.

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There are does who bent at using the technology to the positive light so any they do is to make sure they bring innovations that will positively impact the world at large. On the other hand, there are those whose work and motive is to develop technologies that will comfortably hack into people's privacy and cause lots havock to the lives of people, others are developing technology that will be good in lots of immortal acts.

Come to think of all these, by the coming years and in 26 years to come lots of these technologies would have advanced more than what we have now. Those that want evil to abound would have made more machines which will just in one click wipe people's phone contacts and more. Those that want goodness to flow will have technologies in place that will help in the advancement of what their desires are.

We are are moving, so by the year 2050 those who want to be lazy will advance in laziness because they don't have the need to go so far in search of information. Even as it is now, many people make use of the AI to generate contents. You know one thing with this AI generated contents is that it does not have human feeling, so when am reading such content I know so well because it lacks this human ffeeling and proper coordination and that human flow that makes a content attractive to the readers attention.

I will not say that technology should stop at the stage it is abuse and say that it should stop where it is now. The major issue will be with the users as many of them will grow more in laziness, the era that people seat to handle their projects themselves will almost be a thing of the past as they will just go and copy and paste from the internet.

This is my entry to the second edition prompt from the hive learners community. Thank You for visiting my blog


knoledge is expanding greatly. the best is for people to learn how to use those upcoming advancements.


You are right, a man power is needed to mange & run these technology advancement. Other wise they are useless, A human is very powerful.
