Advancing My Career In Cyber Security

Hello hivers, how are you doing today? When I thought about the future of Technology, I realized that technology will be an integral part of the world. A time is coming when everyone will go digital both in developed and underdeveloped countries.
Let’s take for instance, 10 years ago it was very rare to see children of years and above with android phones. It was even difficult to see adolescents with android phones in those days.
Looking at our society today, kids are using iPads and android phones to learn. When I traveled to my uncle, his kid that was enrolled in junior secondary school was given a condition to buy an iPad. There were many programs developed in the Ipads for the school, he did his assignments online and submitted them.
Therefore, Technology will be more advanced by the next 20 years to this time; and the more Technology is advanced the more people are prone to cyber attack. This is the reason it is very important for me to learn cyber security for my advantages, people around and companies if my skills are needed.

When your data is breached online, the hacker can steal your information or something belonging to you. We all know that people have more assets online than offline. Just like me, If a hacker breaches my binance account, everything is gone. This is because my assets in Binance is more than the one i have offline.

Cyber criminals have stolen money, identity, and ruined one’s life. Imagine, you have $1,000,000 in your account, and they hack the account and take all the money away. That is a huge amount of money for some people.

I have learned some kind of malicious software/ malware the hackers are using, cryptojacking, and how to protect my devices and network. My understanding of Cybersecurity is growing every time.
Why Do I Learn Cyber Security?
With the way technology is going right now, the easiest way to steal from people is online. The number of criminals online is higher than offline. Every minute, cybercrime happens which is a big challenge to me, and I understand one must learn about cyber security to prevent himself or herself from cyber attack.
I understand the kind of behaviors that can expose my devices to hackers online.

Since we are in a technological world! The world one can not do without online, it is imperative to understand cybersecurity to prevent yourself from cyber attack. Even though you lost your devices, you know what you can do to prevent your information from being licked and find a way to get them back when you get new one.
Morealso, I want to advance my career in Cybersecurity! Until technology is irrelevant, that is when Cyber security will be irrelevant. On the order side, As far as technology is relevant, Cyber security will remain relevant.

If there is something we must do to protect ourselves from attack, it is cyber security. not only protects your assets online, it also enables you to know the kind of information you can share, understanding the privacy of a particular website before you sign up, email and web browser privacy, and understand your own risk online behavior.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


For a minute I thought that was your setup until I opened the post and got a little disappointed because I thought you were showing us what you used to learn the cybersecurity 😄

Anyway, that’s a good thing to learn and add to your own skills. There’s nothing wrong with being careful twice


In the cybersecurity arena, vulnerability management is akin to being a vigilant sentry, always scanning the horizon for signs of danger. One of the stealthiest threats you might encounter involves Command and Control (C2) servers, described in These servers are the command centers for cyber attackers, controlling compromised systems to execute malicious actions. Picture a nefarious conductor leading an orchestra of chaos; this is how C2 servers operate. They relay commands to infected devices to steal data, deploy malware, or launch DDoS attacks. The infection often starts with phishing, malvertising, or exploiting software vulnerabilities. Once compromised, the device communicates with the C2 server, camouflaging this communication within normal network traffic using protocols like HTTP or HTTPS. C2 architectures can be centralized, peer-to-peer, or random. Centralized architectures are easier to detect but also simpler for attackers to obscure. Peer-to-peer setups distribute command functions across multiple nodes, complicating detection efforts. Random architectures are the hardest to detect, using legitimate sources like social media to send commands. Vigilant vulnerability management requires understanding these C2 systems and continuously evolving defenses to anticipate and mitigate the threats they pose.
