Winners Drone Post of the Week Contest 142

Authored by @Drone Community

Round 142 of our Drone Post of the Week Contest is completed!

Be sure to check the full links and vote for the authors!

Our top 3 winners will receive 10% of this post rewards payout and our top 3 Honorable mentions will receive 5% of post payouts. I will still upvote all posts from the Drone account and from my personal account. I will also occasionally submit to OCD for curation when the posts meet requirements (they are not always granted).

Top 3 Winners (Not in any particular order): Be sure to click the links below pics and view their full post with all pics and videos.

Winner 1 - @bombaycrypto
Wednesdaywalk Discovering History Of Mining
A great tiny world shot with the two Castles. Nicely done! I wonder how many takes it took to get this just right? Or did you get lucky on the first one?

Winner 2 - @thelogicaldude
Fixed My Broken Drone With Some 3D Printing Magic
We see that flying fpv fast drones isn't always as quiet as the photo drones. Some nice repair work demonstrated here.
Winner 3 - @michupa
500 meters above! [EN/PT]
Some nice shots way above the valley.

Honorable Mentions

HM 1 - @borniet
Exploring Perspectives (and Throwback): My First Steps with the DJI Mini 2
Some nice memories from historical shots.
HM 2 - @michupa
Curious drone, fleeing cattle! [EN/PT]
Some nice shots of cattle and drone view.

That's it for this week. Our next weekly contest round 143 starts now. Theme is always open.

All drone and RC related are welcome, Drone pics, Pics of Drones, RC planes, RC cars, RC robots, anything Drone or drone related. Please join and tell your friends. Join to post your pics, Join to see the pics, or just Join because you like the pics!

Some of the Honorable Mentions may occasionally find a gift in their basket as well for participation and for helping to promote the new community. Many thanks to all!

Be sure to join our Drone community for additional posts and entries, and to see more of these great posts.

@PeakD Link to Drone Community
Sponsored by @ksteem


I bought a DJI Air 3s it's epic. I'll be back soon with drone shots. Been helping my wife with her campaigns.


Thank you @ksteem! The mini planet was the first try at lining it up, I could have gone closer to the one positioned at the top so it was central but I am happy with the result!
