Not taking full 2 weeks off like many people and some scientific thoughts about this end of the year period.

For now, I lived in two different secular countries by law, but Christians in their background. So it is common that people take some days off between Christmas and New Year, and sometimes complete the weeks there, so usually they have 2 weeks off. Schools here are also closed for two weeks, so kids are at home. My work stopped on Christmas Day and the day after (Boxing Day) and it will be closed on January 1st. I decided to take some personal days last week since my brother was in town, but many people burn some vacations to complete the two weeks off. I am back to work today and tomorrow so I will rest again on Wednesday for one day. And usually I prefer to save vacation days to be spent in other weeks that I can travel, since traveling at the end of the year is so expensive. But it is interesting how we make January 1st very special, at least in Western countries.

Well yes, the world takes one complete spin around the Sun in 365 days, well at least a bit more than 365 days. Before my brother left, we celebrated his 37th birthday yesterday. Isn't that weird that on an exact day of the year we make special just like a videogame, we upgrade? That's not how biology works! For example, I turned 40 years old this year, but my body is already changing constantly throughout the year, I am a full human adult getting closer to an elderly status. My body for sure is lowering the metabolism and my cells are starting to slow down their replication. Even my brother being 3 years younger, might be in the same biological status as me.
Now imagine if Earth was in the same orbit as Neptune, the full Sun spin there takes more than 60 thousand Earth days. If we had the same life conditions on the planet, I wouldn't be able to celebrate 40 years like I celebrated this year. Probably our life expectancy would be measured by days!
Another interesting thing is how we joke about people in different timezones joke about talking to each other as people of the future or past. But in reality, we are all in the same time dimension just located in different spots in a globe that is facing more or less the Sun. So different places will be celebrating the new year at different times, but in reality, we are all in the same planet position in the Sun's orbit. So if we imagine an imaginary finish line around the Sun's orbit, We are achieving this finish line at the same time. But some of us are going to be in the shadow of the Sun, and some others are directly exposed to it. But still, everybody waits for their exact timezone to reach our established time measure created by us humans so we celebrate separately this mark event.

So, gathering in families is probably the main purpose for taking some days off during these 2 weeks, since most workplaces and schools close at least during Christmas and on the first day of the year. People like to stretch this holiday. For me is the best time to work since there isn't much to do, usually the bosses are taking the days off. So I get vacation in more tense periods during the year. Well, I am taking 6 days off at the end of January. I got the best deals to travel compared to the end of December and also, I will rest while most of the people are already working again.

Por enquanto, morei em dois países laicos por lei, mas cristãos por formação. Então é comum que as pessoas tirem alguns dias de folga entre o Natal e o Ano Novo, e às vezes completem as semanas lá, então geralmente elas têm 2 semanas de folga. As escolas aqui também fecham por duas semanas, então as crianças ficam em casa. Meu trabalho parou no dia de Natal e no dia seguinte (Boxing Day) e estará fechado no dia 1º de janeiro. Decidi tirar alguns dias pessoais na semana passada, já que meu irmão estava na cidade, mas muitas pessoas queimam algumas férias para completar as duas semanas de folga. Estou de volta ao trabalho hoje e amanhã, então descansarei novamente na quarta-feira por um dia. E geralmente prefiro guardar os dias de férias para serem gastos em outras semanas em que posso viajar, já que viajar no final do ano é muito caro. Mas é interessante como tornamos o dia 1º de janeiro muito especial, pelo menos nos países ocidentais.

Bem, sim, o mundo dá uma volta completa ao redor do Sol em 365 dias, bem, pelo menos um pouco mais de 365 dias. Antes de meu irmão partir, comemoramos seu 37º aniversário ontem. Não é estranho que em um dia exato do ano nos tornamos especiais como um videogame, nós atualizamos? Não é assim que a biologia funciona! Por exemplo, eu fiz 40 anos este ano, mas meu corpo já está mudando constantemente ao longo do ano, sou um adulto humano completo chegando perto de um status de idoso. Meu corpo com certeza está diminuindo o metabolismo e minhas células estão começando a desacelerar sua replicação. Mesmo meu irmão sendo 3 anos mais novo, pode estar no mesmo status biológico que eu.
Agora imagine se a Terra estivesse na mesma órbita de Netuno, a volta completa do Sol lá leva mais de 60 mil dias terrestres. Se tivéssemos as mesmas condições de vida no planeta, eu não seria capaz de comemorar 40 anos como comemorei este ano. Provavelmente nossa expectativa de vida seria medida em dias!
Outra coisa interessante é como brincamos sobre pessoas em diferentes fusos horários, brincamos sobre falar umas com as outras como pessoas do futuro ou do passado. Mas, na realidade, estamos todos na mesma dimensão de tempo, apenas localizados em pontos diferentes em um globo que está voltado mais ou menos para o Sol. Então, lugares diferentes estarão celebrando o ano novo em momentos diferentes, mas, na realidade, estamos todos na mesma posição do planeta na órbita do Sol. Então, se imaginarmos uma linha de chegada imaginária ao redor da órbita do Sol, estamos alcançando essa linha de chegada ao mesmo tempo. Mas alguns de nós estarão na sombra do Sol, e alguns outros estão diretamente expostos a ele. Mas ainda assim, todos esperam que seu fuso horário exato alcance nossa medida de tempo estabelecida criada por nós, humanos, então celebramos separadamente esse evento marcante.

Então, reunir as famílias é provavelmente o maior propósito para tirar alguns dias de folga durante essas 2 semanas, já que a maioria dos locais de trabalho e escolas fecham pelo menos durante o Natal e no primeiro dia do ano. As pessoas gostam de estender esse feriado. Para mim é a melhor época para trabalhar, já que não há muito o que fazer, geralmente os chefes estão tirando os dias de folga. Então, tiro férias em períodos mais tensos durante o ano. Bem, estou tirando 6 dias de folga no final de janeiro. Consegui as melhores ofertas para viajar em comparação ao final de dezembro e também, vou descansar enquanto a maioria das pessoas já está trabalhando novamente.
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Your beard grew more with this publication (joke 😂)
The truth is fascinating and very intelligent the way you present "time" in this publication, really we all receive it at the same point, but starting from that idea, then all people celebrate birthdays at the same point, and also certain religious ceremonies at the same time. It is quite curious to imagine that a Muslim and a Catholic celebrate some event on the same day (I don't know if that's the case, it's just hypothetical, but I think you understand my point).
And also all the people who die at a certain solar point have the same date of death, meaning that they somehow share the same destiny.
Thinking about the possibilities of this makes me philosophize about life and situations.
You are a very interesting guy, I appreciate you!
For now I baptize you as the most interesting witness I know! 😀
some cultures use the lunar calendar so they have the new year in different instances and it isn't relative to the Sun like us. It can have different problems but some people think it is less confusing sometimes than our calendar! Despite what calendar we choose it is all man-made to try to establish time periods.
Well I always like to think about our ways and where we are. I like to debate about that =P
thanks for the compliments hehe!
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Feliz aniversário mano, quarentou haha, bem legal essa ideia dos anos e dias, acho que tudo isso só mostra que devemos aproveitar cada momento com quem a gente ama e fazendo o que nós gostamos!
Ja ja chega para voce! Como as pessoas falam, nossa vida é uma questão de sorte, como uma loteria! Nós existimos por aleatoriedade, naquele momento de fecundação entre milhares de espermatozoides, um deles fecundou aquele ovulo disponivel naquele momento. o que voce eh hoje podia nunca ter existido! rs
Pois é, você falando isso me lembrou esse pensamento, somo um acerto em milhões né, então nós já nascemos sortudos por conseguir isso, nascer, vencer a batalha daquele momento kkk
I think it depends on situation when to take off. Current time travelling is expensive and not taking off is cost effective. Again now work pressure is also little. That's good choice considering your situation.
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I took 2 weeks, ending on 7th after the elder that brings candies to kids, I guess it's only an Italian thing
Anyways from 30y to above, it's all a climbing, not 40y 😂
hahaha it is around can be a bit less or a bit more ;)
I felt it after 30, before I could go sleep at 1/2am and wake up at 7 without problems, now it's a disaster 😂
Life moves pretty fast even as our bodies start to slow down. Always a smart move to rest up after the holidays, they are fun but stressful at the same time!
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@thebighigg thinks your content is the shit.
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Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
Yes I was discussing about the year 2100 with my daughter...and I realized that she is going to be very old at that time lol perhaps not even still alive!
Either that or we will have mastered gene manipulation to the point that she could be essentially immortal... Who knows? Too late for you and me, but there's hope for our kids!
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Gostei muito do teu texto. Estou sempre refletindo sobre o conceito de tempo... Mas é muita coisa pra compartilhar num comentário! haha, com certeza um dia conversaremos sobre isso no discord (:
Fico na expectativa =)
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unfortunately we have the same plans because I'm still a slave to the lab in the middle of all the holiday time but we have different reasons for doing so. mine was to ease my social anxiety from all the guests over the holidays. i do find the thought of being in the "future" or "past" depending on timezones a little funny because I've always had the duture timezone yet I'll never be able to give you your fortune for the day.
Anyways, i hope you're still enjoying your holidays despite the work schedule ^^ I’ve been grinding and compiling some stuff to post again
I am willing to read more!!! Yeah sometimes work is a good place to rest about social interactions 😬😬😬
you're too sweet, orca-san 🤣 I've been thinking of working on comic strips these days though or like expanding my fiction writing. idk I'm still thinking but i have so many stuff i want to do lately too
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