Brain Teaser :: Solve the math puzzle?


Hey All; @StemGeeks Mathematician;

Without further, ado, let's get to our Brain Teaser :: Solve the math puzzle?


Have a close look at the image given and see if you can find the missing number in the last line. Just remember there hasn't have to be a logic always. The puzzle isn't that hard to solve.

There are few different solution and simple basic math's knowledge is required to get the equation right. Just give it a try - all you need to do is pick up a rough paper and see the equation that's being formed and you will get the answer. Just give it a try and its that simple I assure you. There is no right or wrong - comment your answer on the reply box below to enter a chance to WIN 10 STEM tokens...

STEM token GiveAway...

I'll be again doing a giveaway of STEM tokens to the lucky random winner with the correct answer. For the last contest, which was Brain Teaser :: Can You Solve THE EQUATION?.


Solution :: Brain Teaser :: Can You Solve THE EQUATION?

Pattern being followed was:: multiply the first two numbers & the ADD the number - That Simple it was - i.e.::
  • First Row :: 3 x 2 + 4 = 10

  • Second Row :: 4 x 3 + 5 = 17

  • Third Row :: 5 x 4 + 6 = 26

  • Fourth Row :: 6 x 5 + 7 = 37

  • Fifth Row :: 7 x 6 + 8 = 50

Finally the answer to the puzzle was:: 50


We had five entries and all of them provided the right answer. Hence, I am going to use the comment picker tool to pick the random winner. And the Winner is ::


Congratulations @tibfox - You WIN yourself 10 STEM tokens. You should be having the rewards in your STEM Wallet Soon.

Math Quote for the Day::

Here is the motivation to solve the Maths Equation Puzzle?


If you like my work, then please spread the Word.. that we do have the Math Brain Teasers competition here @StemGeeks platform. Reblog is much appreciated.

Best Regards


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PS:: All the Maths Brain Teasers; are made by me using the Pro Canva License Version

Posted with STEMGeeks


Not elaborating because it seems that no one has answered 7 yet.


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