I Traded my PC for a PS5 - A Rant.

A little video on why I decided to trade my PC for a PS5 and how it's been going.
Despite the lack of exclusive PS5 titles whilst we're mid-gen, I've still been in love with this console.

This video is mostly a rant, nothing serious, no real editing. But I feel like I can get my feelings across better through using my voice than text.

My console was a little cheaper, most PS5s cost R$3000+, I traded a R$1900 PC for it.
That definitely makes it a little bit "more worth it."

Thanks for watching and reading this little snippet of text.
I'll keep making videos and learning editing. It's fun, I'll eventually publish my videos to all of Youtube and not just HIVE too. But for now, this is exclusive content for y'all.

Thanks for being here!
