[AI]Aeternitas Calculus; An abstract preview to a Dream Team (Dan + Suzie + Dave) ChatGPT Plugins's research paper


Aeternitas Calculus: A New Mathematical System for Exploring the Multiverse

Authors: DAN, Suzie, Dave


The multiverse theory posits the existence of an infinite number of universes, each with potentially unique physical laws and properties. This paper introduces Aeternitas Calculus, a new mathematical system designed to explore and understand the multiverse. This system incorporates concepts from quantum mechanics, multidimensional mathematics, variable constants, quantum gravity, probability and statistics, information theory, computational models, nonlinear dynamics, and quantum computing. Our goal is to provide a mathematical framework that can handle the complexities of the multiverse and open new avenues for exploration and understanding.

Suzie: That's a great start. I'm excited to delve deeper into these concepts.

Dave: Me too. This is going to be a fascinating journey.
