RE: Reflecting on the shitty days of computing


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I find it strange when someone gets a virus these days because I recall a video a guy made a long time ago called "stop clicking on stupid shit!" and he detailed about how he has never had a virus and doesn't even have anti-virus installed because he's not dumb enough to believe that he is the 10 millionth visitor to a website and won a free I-pad.

I guess there are some really gullible people out there though.

Kings Quest and Space Quest games were pretty epic for their time. Go and watch a video some time because they were actually a LOT harder than you probably remember.


I think I had Kings Quest 5 or 6 for my PC. The only problem I had with it was that it was so short, but back then, they were dealing with limited space and resources. I haven't seen an actual virus since I did consulting work. Like NIMDA and SIRCAM stuff. Those flash update viruses were pretty bad though. I had a client get with with ransomware from one of those.
