Reclaiming Family Time Despite Smartphone Addiction.

A lot of things are practically not the same as they were over two decades ago, and we can't blame technology for the changes we are experiencing in the world. The purpose of technology is to make life a lot easier for humans, but lack of self-control with everything technology is offering us is the problem many humans are struggling with at the moment.

The rampant use of smart devices has changed a lot of things globally, and like I mentioned earlier, technology can't be blamed. As a kid, I remembered how we used to travel about 2 hours just to make international calls at a business cafe, and we paid a huge fee for those calls despite the network problems you might encounter during the call.

We started with burner phones and gradually progressed to what we have today. From the comfort of our homes, we can do a lot of things just with our smartphones, and it has been quite helpful, but the human addiction to smart devices is something to be worried about.

Humans have allowed smartphones to become distractions, and it's actually disgusting. We allow this distraction to happen everywhere—at work, school, and even family gatherings—which isn't supposed to happen.

Sometimes I wonder what we are always rushing to catch up with online because many of these things don't have any impact on us, but we just want to keep up. The people who work on their smart devices are in a whole different situation. It's quite understandable that they have to be on their devices most of the time, but working 24/7 on mobile is even a lie.

The effects of this addiction to smartphones are terrible, and yet we don't have any reason to change this habit. Health-wise, there is nothing good about this addiction, and it has gone as bad as ruining a lot of people's mental health.

Smartphone addiction has affected lots of relationships today, and it's really not funny. I have seen couples who communicate with their devices despite staying in the same apartment. What's wrong with physical communication accompanied by emotions, feelings, and this heart-to-heart outpour? All these are what we barely see in the world today, and it has not just damaged bonds but also taken away connections between people.

Family time used to be a lot different from what we have today. Back then, family members would sit together to play games, discuss growth, and have fun, but it's the other way around today. Currently, you will see family members focused on their smartphones during family time, and it baffles me what family time is when there is no form of interaction between family members.

If we are being honest, banning smartphones during family time isn't a bad idea. At least, that would guarantee everyone's attention, but I can bet that some members will insist on having their phones snap pictures, and that's one reason you can't say no to because that's the only way to revisit the beautiful memories we have created during that family time.

In my family, we don't have an issue with smartphones during family time because everyone is always involved in whatever we are doing. Imagine pressing the phone when we all decide to cook; you wouldn't want to leave your task just to engage online.

Whether family time or not, controlling addiction to smart devices is very important for our own good. It's pointless to gain attention online at the expense of the physical connection we have with our loved ones. At a time, this online presence wouldn't matter, and it'd be terrible if we couldn't reach out to any family member just because we failed to build a connection with them.

It would be worse when the people we ought to have created memories with are no longer there. In a nutshell, controlling our addiction should be an unnegotiable priority.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hmm it very true, some of the things we do online are not relevant. Control addiction is very important. Nice piece


You're right. Being conscious of how much time you're spending online and how it affects your physical connection to people matters and shouldn't be taken lightly.


This is true..Phone Addiction has affected a lot of families negatively. Many homes have been torn apart as a result of this act


You are absolutely right, most people are just addicted to their phones and are busy doing something not so important. Imagine a Tiktoker spending the whole day creating contents yet can't spare few hours with family members.


We shouldn't be too addicted to our phone as you stated in your post.

We should try to have control on our self not to be too addicted to our phone so it doesn't spoil our relationship with people around and family too.
