Cellphone Is Prohibited In My Sacred Room.


Cell phone addiction is one thing almost everyone is guilty of but a lot of people might not admit it until they are forced to stay away from their phones for some time. I always felt the same way when people spoke about cell phone addiction around me, I was confident about not being addicted until my phone got damaged some time ago. I couldn't do a lot of things and it felt like a part of me wasn't functioning properly because nothing felt normal. I became bored and nothing filled the space of my phone until I got it fixed. I couldn't take my mind off using my phone within a short period because it has replaced a lot of things for not just me but the human race in general.

If someone had said there would be a device that would replace a lot of things in the world, a lot of people would have doubted it but here we are today. When I was younger, we used to have a big wall clock in the sitting room, I had a small alarm clock as well but I haven't had any of those things since I started living alone. The last time I got a wall clock as a gift, I gave it to someone because I didn't see the need for it and that tells how much a lot of things have been replaced by phones. It's as bad as people's physical communication ability deteriorating just because they only communicate with their loved ones on social media which is completely the opposite before technology advancement gave us smartphones.

My Image

We can't blame technology for this addiction and you will agree with me that our cell phones have got things that would always want us to use it all the time. For some humans, it is their workplace while entertainment isn't complete with a smartphone for some people.

Let's take Hive for example, almost everyone on the blockchain always spends a lot of time on the platform. It's either you are posting or engaging, we stay alert to notifications because we know how helpful the blockchain has been not just financially but in other ways as well. Just like Hive keeps many people hooked to their phones, many people across the world have different things that would make them always use their phones.

I use my cell phone for quite a lot of things that I wouldn't go 30 minutes without doing but despite this obsession, there is something capable of keeping me away from my phone. Many years ago, my techno P5 fell into a bowl of hot water while I was busy in the kitchen. It was a silly mistake that taught me a hard lesson not to play with my phone in the kitchen.

You can hardly find my phone near the kitchen except on days when I choose to record videos or take pictures for my food blog and aside from these two things, I usually don't have anything to do in the kitchen. Whenever any of my family members goes out without a key to the gate, they stay longer outside if by chance I am in the kitchen because even if my phone is ringing I can't hear except they bang on the gate hard.

I don't share this with people because of how they think men shouldn't be in the kitchen, it is the women's space. Cooking needs concentration since it has to be done properly, I find it fun and somehow, my mind seems very clear when busy cooking. When doing other chores, I can't help but think about a lot of things but it's not like that in the kitchen, I experience a different kind of calmness. Upon discovering that and for the safety of my phone, I don't bother using the phone in the kitchen and if I do, it's always been handled by someone else.

Phone addiction is real and I feel like there are times we really need to take the time off. Aside from everything I explained earlier, there are times when I take a break from the internet. It's always short, I do not use social apps for just few days but with Hive, it is difficult. I just can't continue looking at my phone knowing that I have very important things to do on the blockchain. Lately, I just engage on Hive and get off the internet.



The people saying that phone addiction is not possible are in denial. Sometimes I stay on my phone and lose track of other things which are impossible causing me to have double work later on.

Cheers to you for being one of the few men who enjoy cooking 😁


Yeah, it happens a lot. There are lots of accidents that happens because the driver got carried away with their phone.

Addiction is real and hope people work on it instead of denying their addiction.


Oh gosh, I can relate to this. Like I feel really incomplete without my phone. And I mean, even our money is in there now so we really need our phone always besides us. Aside from the entertainment we can get here, there is hive too that making our life livelier so its hard not to hold it now.


That's right, I didn't even think of how phones turned the bank. I don't have a debit card and use my phone for all my transactions which is the same for a lot of people as well.

Our phone has become a large part of our lives and even day-to-day activities.


I always love to see this topic from different people’s perspectives. I think we can agree now that it is a general issue and it just takes a lot of self control to not get so engrossed in our gadgets at all times. There are a lot of things available on our gadgets, endless opportunities, information, etc. I just think there is a very thin line between being on our phones for necessary things and getting addicted along the line.

As a business person, it’s not absurd if I say I try to be online at all times because orders can come in anytime and I will need to attend to them, it is just necessary. If I were not doing any business, I don’t think I will use my phone as much as I do now, I don’t even like chatting. Maybe all the aesthetic Instagram reels can keep me hooked though, but I’m not sure how serious it can be, lol.

My phone once got spoilt and I was using my small Nokia phone for about two weeks. Funny enough, I survived and I didn’t really feel my phone so much. I got to do other things and also use my time more wisely.


Wow, I envy you right now because going two weeks without a smartphone would make me feel sick. I am actually the type who chats a lot as well, I don't have a fixed activity I do daily except hive but the moment something happens to my phone, I start thinking about different stuff that I could have done which I wouldn't do on a usual day.

Everything revolves around self-discipline, it is important to always know our boundaries with these gadgets.


Yeah, you are right, self-discipline is very very important and it can't even be overemphasized. It is understandable to have multiple things to do online or even want to surf the internet, but also, knowing when to stop is very crucial, and that is what most of us people can't dedcide easily.


It is impossible to deny these addictions, it is necessary to be rational and nowadays not to have this type of devices is to move away from the world. I use it a lot for work, I do collections and people read more of their messages on WhatsApp than their emails. In my house I don't use the cell phone at meal times, and I also use it in my work. Greetings.


Smartphones have changed a lot of things truly and that's why it's called smart. The ability to be able to do a lot of task on the phone would definitely keep us hooked to it.

As a kid, my mom always called food king and when handling it, we must be very focused.


Phone addiction is real indeed and though we try our best to reduce the level of addiction, we all have to fall back on it a lot of the time especially now that a lot of things have gone digital.


You are right my sister, it is impossible not to return to the addiction because there are a lot of things attached to the phone that we can't do every day without.


Cell phone addiction is evident nowadays, but sometimes it's hard to refrain from using it especially if we have members of the family working abroad, we have to stay connected through a smartphone which is super handy.


You have a good point, we all have an important reason to stay hooked to our phones so addiction is kind of inevitable.


Indeed phone addiction is something most of us are struggling with. From what you explained above, I don't think you can go a day without your phone since it's just like an office to you.

Sorry about your experience with hot water in the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the areas we seriously need to be very careful with our phones while working there, apart from the fact that our phones are at the risk of getting damaged by any slight accident, it can also be a major source of distraction which could endanger your life as well. I am glad your experience made you wise.


You are right buddy, a slight distraction can see things just burst into flames. After my first experience, I have learned to be very careful.

Thanks for the contribution bro.


True sir, and for a chef like you, that would give you a bad reputation 😂😂

You are always welcome sir


Indeed, using a smartphone in the kitchen is quite dangerous. I remembered my first smartphone fell into water while I was using it and washing dishes at the same time. Ever since then I have learnt to limit my phone usage in the kitchen.

Phone addiction is very real.


Phone addiction is real truly, I guess our past mistakes made us sit tight with phone usage in the kitchen.


It seems you will be a good cook. I like the kind of concentration you give to kitchen in terms of cooking. I think this kind of your thought should be implemented as simple cooking tips.

Thanks for sharing


Lolz, I am only trying my best sir. Concentration is one of the keys to growth.


Truly, Hive has taken phone addiction to a higher level. It's good to keep the phone away from the kitchen. There's a news going round that phone with gas is dangerous


I heard the news as well but not sure how genuine it is but regardless, we must be very careful with handling phones in the kitchen or better not take it there at all.

I agree with you on the fact that Hive has really made a lot of us spend more time on the phone.


When I saw sacred room, my thoughts immediately went wild😂 but thankfully it was not what I was thinking.

I don't usually make use of my phone in the kitchen too not because of a reason similar to yours, it is because my parents strongly believe that we shouldn't make use of phones in the kitchen while using gas and I agree also.

There has been a lot terrible gas explosion stories have heard with no specific reason, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

A man that can cook is what we call a full husband material package 😂


Bro, what were you thinking? Please come and tell me now

Our parents indeed don't like it when we use phones because of the circulating gas explosion story caused by using smartphones in the kitchen.


Like you rightly said phone addiction is real, I remember almost entering depression because my former phone wasn't functioning properly


I understand how you felt, I have been there before and know how it feels when you are without a phone for more than the usual


Yes, just as technology has given us an excellent tool for communication, work, fun and entertainment, it also undoubtedly brought with it, at the same time, a load of stress with very delicate and dangerous characteristics. However, thanks to other technological advances, especially in the field of neuroscience, and as paradoxical as it may seem, the subject has become a little clearer. Today we know the harmful effects of the blue light to which we are exposed when we use cellular screens. And thank goodness we have many alternatives to try to minimize or reverse the negative effects of prolonged exposure to smartphones. But like everything in life it will require a lot of discipline, formation of new habits, willpower and most importantly self-love.

In this sense, a healthy and timely management of our time is indispensable. Establish priorities, quality and quantity of time distributed in each of our activities. And as you rightly mention, do not forget, in that daily schedule, the respective technological rest. Set times in which the use of the cell phone is reduced to zero and that this does not cause any disturbance.

It may seem like a lot, but as the Mago More says "if that's what it is, that's what it is", so it will depend on how much health we want to keep in our lives and act accordingly.

Thank you very much dear @george-dee for introducing and publishing this interesting reflection.
interesting reflection. Respectful regards. See you in your next publication¡


Truly, being disciplined can go a long way for us in controlling our addictions to phones or any other things. Technology has been awesome, it has helped us a lot and we can't blame it for anything.

It's humans who should readjust.


Smartphones have become an addiction now and it's almost impossible to think about life without a smartphone. Cooking can abstain from using smartphones in your case but many people use the smartphone in that time too. Hehe, it's not easy to remain disconnected from a smartphone now except it's in charge. !LOL


When my phone spoiled some months ago I feel incomplete. Some people are addicted to their phone nowadays
Walking in the main road and pressing their phone with cars are passing.
They are carried away by their phone and it cause accident.


Phone addiction is definitely harmful just as you have explained and we must work on it the best way we can.


Mr sacred room, lol
Truly, it is hard to stay away from our cellphones
Controlling that addiction may be crazy


Controlling addictions can be really tasking and it requires a high level of discipline. My kitchen is my sacred room ooo, I don't know what you are saying ooooo


WOW 😲. Busy in the kitchen? So you can cook like that? Men don't always love cooking because they feel that it is a woman's job.
Thanks for sharing bro.
