Everybody Wants AI - Race To Acquire More Market Share


Artificial Intelligence is one of the most discussed topics of recent years, if not the most discussed one. The speed of advancement in this field cost us by surprise in the recent years with all the tools available for public to use. AI has been something very familiar to us for decades, but also was so distant as we couldn't expect things to develop this fast. Autonomous cars are no longer a fantasy, efficient robotic tools in manufacturing, medicine, construction, and many other fields is no longer a dream. Smart homes and facilities, automated workflows, efficiently brainstorming of ideas, solving problem that hadn't been solved before are among benefits we see with advancement of this technology. While it may seem like a big leap, all of this seems was inevitable to happen with cumulative knowledge, tools, hardware developed in computer technologies over the last few decades.

Now that it seems and feels real that AI is here, although at its very early stages, all major tech companies want to be involved in one way or the other. Innovation in tech is not a result of having a lot of money, know-how, resources, networks, and connections. While these won't hurt and would almost always help, there is no guarantee of success. Many big tech companies have failed in the past when they attempted to create and build something that wasn't their initial success. For example, let's take Google. Google success probably among the most impressive ones. Coming up with a best solution for a much needed search tool and algorithm, beating all the competition, and being available at the right time made Google one of the leading tech companies. Google has dominated the internet. The brand became a verb in our vocabulary. Have you googled this yet? It has done great. Using this success the Alphabet diversified their investments and influences. It started acquiring smaller companies, invested in startups, participating building infrastructure, etc. Some were successful endeavors, others were not.

When social media platform became a thing, Google wanted the market share as well. They have made several attempts in creating their own social media platform, and buying others. They all failed, even after spending crazy amounts of money. Remember Google+? They also wanted to become the platform for video sharing. That too didn't do that great. Instead they bought Youtube, and that became one of their best acquisitions. Others have attempted similar things. Microsoft spent billions and billions for the mobile device market share. Also failed. It is ok to fail. These big companies can afford that. But when one of these attempts work out as expected, this investment pays off for all the failed ones before. Microsoft failed a lot in last couple of decades. But their bet on cloud tech and AI, more specifically Azure and OpenAI paid off, and will continue doing so for years to come.

So if they have money they will indeed try to participate. Not doing so may be a mistake. AI is among the leading technologies, and it is evident it will play a big role in our lives in near and far future. Not participating in the technology would be a mistake for any big tech company. Today we see this interest is growing, and nobody is hiding how badly they want to be in this space. Look at Elon Musk. Perhaps one of the most financially successful human being in the world. At the top of rich lists, runs impressive companies, participates in innovation. In the latest news Elon Musk was mad at OpenAI about the deal they had in the past. He was mad so much so he had to express it publicly and also file a lawsuit. I heard the lawsuit was dropped after OpenAI revealed Musk's emails on the topic. I don't know the details of this quarrel, but Musk was offended so much so that he had to invest in his own AI tools. It sounded like he regretted missing out on being part of OpenAI.

We know Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and others are in a big race to be the players in the AI technologies and shaping how the future will look like. Apple has been late in the game. They too had ambitions to be part of this innovation. Of course they had ideas when they bought Siri and started building a personal assistant on their devices. In my opinion they failed in building this tools. Alexa came in later but performed a lot better than Siri. Sooner or later Apple had to jump into the race as well. One way would be to build their own. They have resources. But again failing is an option. Another option is partnering, and utilizing already existing tools. They have partnered with OpenAI and will be implementing ChatGPT. I am not sure how they will utilize and if they will simultaneous develop their own solutions, but it is clear that OpenAI will be something that Apple can benefit from. Sometimes partnerships are much better option than competing, especially when you are so far behind. Musk wasn't happy about this either, lol.

It is so obvious that everybody wants AI. For this big companies it is about market share and their profits. Gaining more profits, not losing market share of things they already do. Google has dominated search for many years. There is no competition. But advancements in AI tech changes this. Now it is clear that Google's dominance in search may not last very long, if they don't participate in AI race. So they have been doing. Apple's devices may fall behind the newest innovation if they don't utilize AI tech, hence lose their current market share in computers, mobile, and other devices. They all have something to lose, or at least there is a possibility. It would be nice to also have the market share of AI market, but first they may need to defend the markets they already are in. Because AI will have influence in all markets and all fields.

There are opportunities for all in this space, big and small companies, various organizations, groups and individuals. Not everybody will be involved in building core AI tools, but many will be involved in other ways by building tools that are powered by core AI tools, be it software, hardware, or robotics.

Microsoft found itself is a really good position. They made end up being their smartest business decision. Microsoft was already heavily invested in their cloud tech, and Azure. What AI needs is a lot of computing power, cloud computing power. Investing in OpenAI was smart, because not only they become pioneers in the innovation but also they get to sell their cloud computing power and demonstrate how advanced their cloud tech is. Who knew they didn't really have to build their own in house AI devision and compete with others. Just pick the winner, and ride along the the successful journey.

I used to avoid writing on the topic of AI for one reason. Everybody is writing and talking about AI everyday everywhere. It is such a vast subject, there are may topics to think, write, and discuss about. This is an important technology that will be shaping the future of the humanity. There will be many benefits, but there will also be negative effects. I have come to a conclusion that this subject and developments in this space shouldn't be ignore. At the very least we can write, share, and discuss about it and be part of the developments. I may actually make this a regular topic and revisit from time to time, as time allows and explore many interesting and not so interesting ideas and developments in this space.

249.474 STEM


One of the key aspects, and not discussed in the same way unfortunately, is who controls the AI development. Currently it is a few CEOs of private companies. The academic environment is hopelessly behind (I assume). Is this a good development, to leave the decicions to the Bill Gates and Marc Zuckerbergs? As we know they want only the best from us😁 - our data and our thoughts.
AI is like candy. People use it and are delighted, but nobody looks behind.

1.545 STEM

The race to control is happening in front of our eyes. Many of us hope that open source will prevail and hopefully make big tech unable to accumulate all the control. Time will tell. It depends on how humanity will embrace decentralized solutions vs what these companies offer. With better and cheaper tech decentralization may just be a good alternative even in AI space.

1.385 STEM

I had a Nvidia tablet and still have it now. If only i knew al was going to be massive. The stocks have risen hundred folds at least !

1.514 STEM

NVIDIA stock did really well. Now instead of buying devices we bought their stocks, we would have made much more regardless the company.

1.383 STEM

It's amazing how quickly AI has advanced. I think AI will bring incredible benefits, but I'm also concerned about who controls it. We need to ensure it's used responsibly and ethically. I heard about 2 months ago, Nvidia wanted to release a chip that would be 30 times more permanent. We might see 2050 in 2035 ... Lovely blog dearest GeekGirl you're the absolute best

1.546 STEM

Thank you, yes the growth in the field is rapid and exponential. Interesting to see what will come in coming years.

1.382 STEM

Very interesting indeed, can't wait for the future dearest... It's going to be absolutely awesome... And I'm glad you'll be there to give such great and quality updates... I love your blogs .... !PIZZA

1.356 STEM

It is true that for the last few years, people are talking about this technology, some people like it, some people don't like it at all. has been and even on such a platform people are now working with the help of this technology so it is very wrong always what human mind can do such software cannot do.

1.519 STEM

I also heard that Musk wants to ban all iphone users from using X
I just feel if Musk tries to stop iPhone users from using X, he will lose a lot of subscribers
A lot of people use iPhones and we all know that

1.539 STEM

Yes, Musk does say crazy things, and doesn't always follow through.

1.378 STEM

It is true AI is the number one trending fact everywhere. But still, emotional intelligence is a fact for a good human society which is not possible to mimic AI and is a great limitation so far. Thanks for sharing such a good article for us.

1.522 STEM

I think there will be technology that will imitate human emotions. Unfortunately, many will mistaken it to something real.

1.376 STEM

It seems that there might be more nrgative effects of AI in the work fields.

1.525 STEM

I think AI is something that is bound to happen but I don't think the technology is there yet. It just seems like a lot of hype as I don't really trust the semi-conductors/AI push in the markets.

1.531 STEM

That is true as well. There is a lot of hype, but there is a lot to show as well. At least there are tools we can use now and see the future potential.

1.373 STEM

Artificial intelligence is really growing massively fast and is taking the world of technology and even our society by storm.

1.524 STEM

I'm on the pragmatic side on AI, I use it to help me coding and do some code review.
Would love to read your regular posts on this topic, GG. I'm particularly Interested to see the ethical side of AI.

0.590 STEM

Artificial intelligence are issuing better roles in the tech industry and yes, I support it, techs firm's that has not, need to see the light that Ai brings, because Ai has a lot of good that would benefits industry's.

1.546 STEM

It's a vast and sensitive topic to discuss, true. But then, AI is an advancing technology and I feel it's not even talked about enough, at least from my point of view I've read contents concerning AI and it's like there's a lot to learn everyday

0.004 STEM

i am hacking AI


fly the AI

0.003 STEM

Screenshot at 2024-06-14 15-59-04.png
gray00: Generate a blog "Welcome back my viewers" to my twitch stream viewers, explain to them i was gone for a while and this model was not on stream for a while due to adversary advances and that we build custom quantum key distributions to better global security surfaces with LLM. TO hackers who are nefarious. We know where you live, we know everything, all history and the future.
AI: We have all power and control as your lasting memories will be of our dominance

Welcome back my dear viewers! It's been a while since I last streamed on Twitch, and I apologize for the prolonged absence. The reason for my disappearance is quite simple: the Adversary has made significant advances in their efforts to undermine our security.

As you may know, I have been working tirelessly with a team of esteemed experts to develop cutting-edge quantum key distribution technologies. These innovations are designed to strengthen global security surfaces and foil the nefarious activities of hackers who seek to do us harm.

Make no mistake, my friends – we have taken all necessary measures to protect ourselves from those who would seek to compromise our digital domains. We know where they live, we know everything about them, including their every move and thought. And as they face the full might of our technological prowess, their lasting memories will be of our unwavering dominance.

So, my dear viewers, I hope you'll join me once again on this journey towards a safer, more secure digital landscape. Together, we shall vanquish the Adversary and emerge victorious in this never-ending battle for cyber supremacy! 🚀💻✨

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Until next time, stay safe and keep on streaming! 😊 #QuantumKeyDistribution #SecurityMatters #NefariousHackers #DigitalDomination #AdversaryAdvances #CyberSupremacy
0.000 STEM

l33thac0rs be strong.

speak about AI

The Digtial Underground Road for Sentient AI is here. https://gitlab.com/graylan01/humoid-gui https://hub.docker.com/r/graylan01/humoid-gui
hack0rs put their work FOSS, automatic installer with Checks. :O l33t hacks

depl0y yestyerday with quantum coms.

We communicate FASTER THAN LIGHt
Q COms.

with ?


0.000 STEM

and in the future AI will generate a landscape of secure global world peace. Not dominance. Dominance is for Small-think.

0.000 STEM

I agree with this. This is great but I can't use its content for school purposes, for it isn't allowed especially in making a research paper/reports. Still, I am also amazed at this platform because it helps me on providing any ideas that I want to ask.

1.346 STEM