RE: [ENG/ITA] Python & Hive: My Scripts are Ready! My First Project is Completed :)

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Hey felixxx,

I think you might have misunderstood the meme. It’s showing that both people on the low and high ends of the spectrum often stick with simple techniques, like adding print statements, because they actually work. The middle of the curve, though, is where people tend to overcomplicate things by going through function descriptions or stepping through debuggers — which sometimes doesn't reveal the root of the problem. Print statements, though, can give you a direct, clear view of what’s actually going on in the code.

But beyond just print statements, error handling ensures that your script doesn't crash when something goes wrong — like an API failing or invalid data sneaking in. Without it, you're left in the dark, which is why it’s far from being 'lame.' It's what gives you control and the ability to recover when things don't go as expected.

As for infinite loops — they aren’t bad by nature. When you're working with something like continuously reading blockchain data, they can be the best option. The key is to manage them properly with safeguards like rate limiting and exit conditions, so they don’t end up causing performance issues. It’s all about using the right tool for the job.

Looking forward to seeing more of your insights in your upcoming blog!
