RE: Sometimes there's milk and cookies


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It's weird how the body remembers an eating habit right? I'm sure there's some boffin around the place who knows the reason why too! 🤪

Being winter here I'm not on the salads so much but when over at the market today picking up pizza stuff I saw dem tomato's and figured they would go with the pizza. It's a big bowl of tomato salad for a single fella, expecially with the pizza as well, but I reckon I'll cope. It might end up on toast later tonight for a snack. 😏

Beast timing is a feature on the next-generation iWatch I've heard.


I bet the STEM Lassies and Lads could indeed answer that.

Funny how things are reversed for us, we are beginning of summer...just about. Wouldn't it be ironic to take a warm vacation to Canada to escape Auz winter someday!!! (I really shouldn't be left on my own to think with keyboard access...don't delete me lmao :D)

You also don't have to eat them all at once, they do keep a couple of days!

I kinda want to line up for a couple of days for such a device, will it be equipped with automatic EMA target updates as well?


Dem STEM geeks know all!

I'd love to hit Canada, the only problem is I might want to stay as I've heard it is awesome. So is Australia of course, but a change of scenery could be good.

So,you mean I don't have to eat everything all at once? Damn it,took me 51 years to find that out! I'll say though, I'm eating all of that pizza! 🙄

Oh yes, that new device will have a deserves to be fucken' EMA'd targeting system so no one deserving a good EMA thrashing will escape notice. It comes with interchangeable coloured bezels and straps too so will suit any outfit also. 🤣


lmfao matchy matchy and versatility! Exactly what I didn't know I needed!

It has it's embarrassing moments but still probably one of the better places to be and wouldn't change living here. I did move 4000km and it's like living in a different country, if that counts a s a change of scenery, yes it can be liberating.


I'll get my people [myself] to speak to the EMA watch people and get one sent to you. You're welcome.

I'd love to move countries actually. I like the adventure of it. New people, places...New me!


I'm not opposed to just fucking off somewhere and start new at any point in my life, I did it in my early 20's and it looks scarier than it is. I like Alberta quite a bit especially my mountains, I do dream of disappearing over there permanently at some point when I decide to pull the pin with work... pension age or not...the younger the better. I had ambition once upon a time, almost want to still have some but the last year and a half going all wonky and covid, I'm mentally ready....just not financially...if only. We are looking to buy a place in the next year or so but now we are confused on where we want to live. Plus I'm getting tired of hearing gunshots every night, Deadmonton has a bit of a rep and it's getting worse and I don't live on the good side lol. This place is weird.

You know what, some places are great but are never quite right. I felt like that when I lived down east and I moved around from town to town both in Quebec and New-Brunswick. Near ocean beach side , in a bay, in a Fjord, dead smack on top of a mountain in the Appalachian range and maple country. Great places with so much going for them but it was never quite right. As soon as I landed here, I was home right away. I just knew an it was right. Don't get me wrong, nothing was easy by any means sometimes you just know and I needed that to discover myself. Everybody is different, that's just my experience. A lot of people end up homesick and moving back home too.


It's the financial thing for most of us who like the escape thing. Me too. I'm all about a simple life and simplicity in life so a move to somewhere smaller would suit me. But right now I still have to work.

I live in a safe area, in fact all of Adelaide is pretty good to be honest. There's rougher areas, the low-eco-socio-demo type areas. But no gunfire.

I think you hit on it though, a lot of feeling at home is within us. I say, you're home when you close the door meaning it can be anywhere one feels comfortable and with loved ones around. It's an attitude I guess.

I'd move as there's nothing keeping me here but I'd not go to a big city.


yeah the simple life is right, the thing is I could keep my job but would have to work out of town all the time but it's only for a few weeks at a time, I'm not too cool with that concept. but depending on circumstances too.

We have a lottery here called max millions, there is a jackpot cap and when it goes over they do extra million dollar draws. Right now it's the biggest it's ever been at 70 million + 70 draw of 1 million. Even with winning the one million, I would probably call it a day since I would probably only have to work like 2 months a year not to spend into a hole and not feel restricted. There is a lot of nowhere places close to the mountains and the foothills that are still dirt cheap for property. It's really in the middle of the sticks tho.

My big problem right now is shitty government and loose tax spending that is completely absurd I'm tired of funding it. Keep this clown in charge for a decade and we will be Venezuela. Sounds like an exaggeration right now but things are fucked right now. Like real fucked, he belongs in jail kinda deal but he's running a country instead. They finally found a bunch of babies bodies and children in mass unmarked graves by the hundreds around the controversial catholic run residential schools I was telling you about, I don't know if you remember, it was a few months back. Our current leader's dad has a large part to play in funding and maintaining them but nobody has caught on to that yet, still in the initial shock and outrage for now but wait for it. This isn't some 300 year old bitter feelings either, people your age would have went there when they were children. Heads are gonna roll, things always come full circle. You might hear great things about Canada, and yes there is much worse places to live but politically and ethically it's so much different than the world seems to expect and our economy is seriously broken right now, still a powerful economy but a very broken system...cracks are starting to show.

How come there is nothing keeping you there if you don't mind me asking?


Hmm, I think if we were to investigate most governments there'd be many issues to find; They don't think long term enough. Here it's 3-4 years, feather their nests and then on to the private sector with massive pensions and perks. There's a lesson to be learned from Venezuela, but will it be learned? Probably not.

I don't buy lotto tickets but I like the sound of it...A million bucks. It's all I'd need to be honest, I'd never punch a clock for someone again. I hope you score it!

Nah, I don't mind...My family are all over the world and when my dad passed away last year and some other stuff happened this year there's no mooring lines holding me to this location. I've been thinking about some moves for a while now and whilst it's not imminent it's a thing. Life's too short, you know?

I feel a total change is due, something I've done previously to some degree which brought value and helped launch a new phase of my life. At the moment I'm looking at some moves around my job and all but medium-term it's a total relocation.


oh non no no this is far more than lack of foresight, this is pure highway robbery and other crimes but the sob is untouchable. There is too much going on to even go there in a comment or a book. lets make a long story short. 2 cities in Canada voted him in, literally nobody else in the entire country did. How does 2 cities alone, (Montreal and Toronto) control the outcome of an entire country. We are pretty sure the election was rigged. To top it off lots of companies got paid giant tax payer funded bailouts and it went strait in giant corporations that layed everyone off and paid their executive staff huge bonuses. Some of those were foreign owned long term care homes where they were so short staffed and huge covid outbreaks because of lack of care and health supplies for workers and residents. It got so bad that they had to send in the military because the elderly got abandoned with no care because all the underpaid nurses were sick with covid too because of lack of ppe.
the elderly got decimated at for profit care homes that took in emergency tax payer funds but not nearly as much as provincially funded facilities. Some died of covid and some died of dehydration/lack of care Nyways, those clowns got paid huge bonuses too. Tax payer funded charities paying his entire family and circle of friends large sums of money for ridiculous speeches but literally pay no other speakers. The finance minister is so deep in his own shit he had to resign before we tarred and feathered him. This is hardly scratching the surface, there is so much going on it's insane he's still walking around. It doesn't need to be investigated, everyone knows even the former naysayers calling us tinfoil haters and they are still trying to sweep it all under the rug and somehow get away with it, it's all so rigged we just have no recourse outside of an outright rebellion. Canada is legit about to blow up in pieces, there probably wont be one soon. Each blunder the already strong separatist movement here grows and from the sounds of it we are taking a few other territories with us. There has been a lot of talk of canceling Canada day this July recently, not for covid...over those kids. This country is in shreds right now.

Well sometimes it's just time for a new chapter in life, only you know what's best for you. I get it when nothing ties you to a location, it's easy to just go and be free. Start fresh, find new joys. Follow your instincts.


It sounds pretty muddled and none too good. It's amazing how small groups of people can get away with so much, and so often. It just keeps happening though, over and over.

Sometimes I wonder why the populace doesn't rise up but then, gun control, like in Venezuela - Unarmed population. Convenient huh?

The greed of those in power is unacceptable and yet continues unabated and seemingly more outrageous with each new term governments are in power. The opposition oppose as they are supposed to but when they get into power...Same. It fucking sucks but what choice do we have but to accept it or rise up and I don't see that happening to be honest.


I think right now, everyone is stunned and don't know what to do because it's so bad. Some us could see it but everyone is asleep at the wheel cause life is good. Once we get rid of him Canada might be ok if we're not split yet. If he comes in at the next election, I think it's it for Canada. I think those bodies they are digging up, that might make shit hit the fan. I'm pretty sure he's a pedo actually, it almost came out but boy wonder made that disappear as it began to bubble to the surface. That's the part I don't like about him, i didn't even start hating his incompetency yet. We have a lot of gun control and it got tighter even, they banned any assault riffle looking or sounding thing. And one of them was even a can of coffee and a few pellet guns and some other toy even. ( they made a list of banned guns updated, not all of them were even guns but food, the public pointed it out but just goes to show, they really are not smart.

The whole system is broken, it's worse than you think. Those who run the world have a lot of skeletons in their closets but some are starting to fall out all ready, people are just not noticing or dismiss it as it can't be true and the behaviors continues but the evidence has been right in everyone's face, they don't even hide it. Doesn't matter who you vote for, they are puppets paid by the same circle no matter ho gets elected, why it never changes. Today's democracy is nothing more than an illusion.

Back to those kids and the schools, there is thousands of indigenous children that got murdered in those schools, it's not a small story and still unfolding. so far over 500 bodies have been found in the last week (there is a lot more, that was just 3 schools). government and church murdered 1000's of kids and everyone is cool with that? Our leader's family is responsible for a big part in this. I don't know what is wrong with the population. I really don't. right now people are ripping off statues, fuck the statues these people are dead, arrest the ones still alive, why is it still swept under the rug, the bodies are being dug up, it's not a conspiracy anymore it's fact! It shouldn't be getting dismissed anymore.


It's all very disturbing Marielle but par for the course, all you say, including the pedo suspicions quite probably.

Those kids they're digging up...Funny no one is hearing it on the news around the world right? It's all a big conspiracy and with the government running the media/corporations and equally the other way around as well is it any wonder people are blind to it. Most people are so willingly brainwashed though that they would probably not believe it if they saw it with their own eyes.

It's the world though and like I said earlier, unless people rise up it won't change. People are no more than pawns, slaves...It's like that movie the matrix we're plugged in, controlled and harvested for whatever it is can be taken from us. Makes me happy in a way I have no kids to give the planet to, you know?


This guy he got there by name only. You actually look at his resume before his political career , I personally wouldn't even hire him to to run a lemonade stand based on that information alone not even knowing who he is. He lost his teaching job (not even a full time, just a replacement teacher) in a school in BC after hooking up with a 14 yr old girl. He paid her off and moved her to the states so it didn't come out. It came out but then the whole story just vanished from the news like it never happened. It ran like one day in the middle of the last election campaigned.

Our media is funded by the gov and we don't have free press. There is serious consequences to those who consistently try and lots of them have to do their work from a different country, as soon as they step foot across the border they get detained and what not. Some of them get taken to court and destroyed. It's also part of domestic terrorism laws to publish accusation without verifiable approved by the government evidence is illegal and an act of domestic terrorism and inciting violence, you see where it gets dicey by now... It's a great country to live in as long as you fit their narrative and go by their rules sorta deal. Socialism seems more like softcore communism here I guess for a lack of a better way to explain it.

That's we we don't get along with the rest of Canada in Alberta and Saskatchewan we are more a compassionate capitalism ideology the thing is our ideology is better because we have been the Economic engine supporting most of Canada's socialism, the problem is everyone is trashing and blocking all of our industries because our leader and his dad hate Alberta because he was embarrassed publicly trying to pass some bullshit law that was challenged in court and they have had a vendetta with us ever since, it's that family not the political party and we don't bow to that old lady all over our money, we are independent but that's because we are rich as a province and even richer in resources and tourism farmland/crops we are basically the bread basket of the world so people can afford to tell the gov to get lost, we are energy, food, water independent, we have our own police everything but we are landlocked and every province cockblocks our exports to extort for more money or our monopoly infringes on someone in power's monopoly. In our case, the Trudeau family has stake in Saudi oil, so they cockblock ours from reaching any markets while they flood the country with Saudi oil, it's in their best personal interest to take down our industry but not in the country's best interest. They use their political power to manipulate their personal portfolio.

He's just a POS strait up. If I told you all of his blunders of the past 5 or 6 years, we would be here 5 or 6 years literally. Comes out in the middle of an election campaign with that girl and he still wins, rapes a child...people knew it...voted him in anyway. Like that story isn't conspiracy, it was all over the news just for one day.

The finance minister just as bad he made pension reforms in favor of his pension company holding's asset still in his personal name to benefit their revenue. and that's not even what got him tarred and feathered...he continued going downhill for another term after that. SNC Lavalin and Jody Wilson Reybould research that if you have spare time. I'm not even going to begin getting into that one.

So to make a long story longer... Canada is a fictional place, it's not a country it never was. It's a corporation, there is no such thing as the Country "Canada" so our federal government is illegitimate until Quebec signs the confederation that was established way back. Until all territories are signatory we are not a country. We are a group of independent republics that agree to work together for the prosperity of us all. Solidarity move, strength in numbers sorta deal. Alberta is trying to prove that in court, not necessarily our current gov but we do have some grass root political parties trying but they get blacked out by all media so they never get anywhere. That's why we pay the price, we bite back and we can afford to. To us currently, the current administration comes across as full on communist-lite as in early stages of communism.

Long story to say We kinda live in "Alberta, Canada (a territory just over 100 years old)" because we just agreed for the sake of getting along with everyone but according to the not yet ratified Confederation document that is a legal document we are still by law "Republic of North-West Territories" and that includes Alberta Saskatchewan, All the Northern territories directly above us and if we separate successfully , northern British-Columbia and the northern territory above them will likely join us giving us access to market ( a port) once we are making our own regulations as a territory as it's actually supposed to be. If we successfully separate, Manitoba has curiosity in the idea as well being a Prairie province like the rest of us focused on agriculture and grain/canola growing it would be in their best interest at least.

The parliament is supposed to exist to aid in interprovincial relations and the sharing of services, not to govern. Ex, it's cheaper to maintain an army as a group than it is as each individual territory also insuring that each territory has the same level of protection in the best interest to national security etc... regardless of their financial status (equalization payments...that's another long topic if you ever want to know more just ask). Same for education hospitals, you know socialist shit. But the rest each province is responsible for their own everything else governance related. Example, we are a tax heaven in Alberta. we pay income tax and all that other federally imposed crap taxes that eat up half of my hard earned dollar but there is no provincial tax while every other province does.

The west was never even part of Canadian anything until then. Upper and Lower Canada was actually nothing passed Ontario...We were considered the "Frontier" or the "Wilderness" until like 100 and some years ago. B-C was just doing it's own thing on the other side of the massive rocks that divide us. Pretty hard to get back and forth before the railroad. It literally is one big stone wall between us(thankfully so...we think they are a little weird too).

As for the dead kids in mass graves thing, you think it' to much for Hive to handle the facts for me to write a post now that it's public knowledge and not my secret ninja research? I'm probably already gonna mess with my rep a little bit (good or bad) with my tradeswoman series...I just don't know how some of this goes. I have so much knowledge and so much to say but I don't know what people can handle. I'm pretty stone hearted on some things. Not in a mean way, just nothing surprises me anymore kind way.


Problem after problem and you know what worries me the most? This is the stuff we (you guys) know about. The iceberg theory of 2/3 under the surface comes to mind.

I wonder what's really going on around the place, how deep the conspiracy runs, how disadvantaged for other people's benefit we really are. I'll be honest, I try to live my life independently of this stuff, not that I stick my head in the sand, but I work hard to not let it affect me too much although, in the right circles, I rant like a maniac against it.

I had no idea all of this was going in Canada, none of it, and that makes me feel dumb. I guess though, that most Canadians have no clue either. It's happening under my nose here in Australia also I guess, hence my comment in the preceding paragraph.

So, should you do a post about the kids? Marielle, I am one of those people that feel doing the right thing, even should it be to my detriment, is the right thing. If it feels right for you then you must follow that path. I'll admit to not saying things here because I had the feeling people would be unable to accept my point of view and that it may differ from theirs so I guess I've not been true to my statement above in this paragraph...But in the main I have been. Only you will know if you should write it but if you do people will read, I'm sure.


You are right, that's just the stuff we know about. I know more than the average Canadian because I have been researching absurd crap for far too long, it's like a way of life. I don't get emotionally attached to the atrocities I find but I want them solved. Talk about them, get rid of them, start fresh and do better. Pretty simple you would think. These people are hurt, stop doing those things cause it's mean, ok hurt go away. It's like we are in kindergarten all over again.

yeah the 14 year old girl stuff is the only one I know absolutely for sure that is mainstream knowledge but it's wayyyy worse than that. I was following the Jeffrey Epstein Story in the US and our political blunder wonder boy was having some travel extravagance scandals in a photo-op with the finance minister there was an important court date about the release of the statements and evidence from the victim's statements and the case as requested by the victims and a "foreign prime minister" implicated was challenging the release in court. The travel scandal and that event have too many similarities and I don't believe in coincidences so I think he might be implicated in that Epstein shit. I have no solid proof tho. Just the 2 stories overlap perfectly in every detail...Circumstantial I guess.

I never knew why I pay attention so much or research so much. I'm just a nerd like that. Maybe the purpose will reveal itself one day besides being informed. I like history, world events, whatever my brain just records the information and it starts to link stuff. It's like pealing an onion. The world is 100 times more messed up than everyone imagines.

I don't expect you to know Canadian history from Australia. I can't say I know much about Auz other than it's hot and people live there...the beach looks nice to and I want to hug a koala and your kangaroos look like deer on springs.

I just feel awkward posting about some stuff sometimes because of the diverse background on hive some people go thru way bad shit and here I am complaining that Canada sux when a lot of people think it would solve all their problems. I guess the expression "first world problems" comes to mind if you know what I mean. At the end of the day Canada isn't that great, it's just less bad compared to most other places. I'm too much of an overthinker sometimes. Especially where social media is so haunting nowadays, FOREVER. Spouting out my stupid opinions verbally don't problems there, no evidence :D


Yep I think there's more to that Epstein stuff although I'll admit I don't know much about it as it is. I don't watch the news as it's all rubbish and, like I said earlier, I tend to do my own thing rather than jump on the band wagon the media wants me on. Life's easier that way and it's doubtful I could do much about all the wrongs anyway you know? I control what I can control and try to live the best I can. In 20-25 years it won't matter for me, I'll be gone.

I don't imagine you to be on social media but to be honest I'm not sure either way? Facebook, Twitter etc. You on there? I'm not.


I don't necessarily go much by the news but I research court cases financial statements of charities or other organizations, declassified documents, court testimonies. By law they have to be transparent to the public. All of this stuff is for public access. People call it conspiracy but none if it is even hidden people just don't look and expect everything spoon fed.

yeah i'm on facebook both ladybug and as myself. I'm even quieter there than I am here but still there.


If you get into it, the research then that's fine - I suppose it's people like you who expose some of the nutbaggery of those politicians and others so it's good someone does it. I was on Facebook about three years ago but got rid of it. Hive is all I have now. I can't stand the other ones to be honest.


I don't prefer them but all of my contacts are there so there I am! lol Bhahahaha

I post in photography groups , like photos with hive links try to spread the word


Ah ok, well that's fair enough. All are mine are there too but I was happy to let them go just to be rid of Facebook. Lol.


trashbook. It's all in how you use it I guess. it occasionally still has it's usefulness.

The photography sharing pages I'm art of is like a honeypot for finding trails and features to hike to.


I get it, for that purpose it has it's uses...I just can't put up with all the rest. I used to use it for gun stuff, local events etc. When I deleted it I missed out on a lot and at first it bothered me but eventually I realised I'm better off. Now I engage directly with the people I value and not at all with fuckers.


I guess it doesn't bother me on it or off it, use it when I want to and don't when I don't feel like it. I get why some people don't want to use it tho. I don't engage with people I don't want to either. I just mute the ones that annoy me with their post.


Yeah, that's how it should be I reckon but a lot of people don't have the discipline and get fixated on that endless feed and pushing every little detail of their lives onto social media. Obviously not you though.


I pop in once in a while to re-assure people I'm still alive, pretty much like here. Not every detail but I do share my photos and a few rants here and there with a bad meme to top it all off. There actually is still some funny stuff on there. My work brothers are assholes and I laugh at asshole things lol. A lot of my friends enjoy my photos...odly enough a few fans may have also tracked me down. Some people I don't know them just want the photo dumps because I don't post all my photos in the group, picked up a few people from hive too.

I guess they wanted a behind the scene view lol

I also don't give out my phone # to tradesmen even for business purposes, as a contract worker, I got to stay in the loop and my contacts live everywhere. It's easier for me too keep up with work shit and people find out the inside info on the best job to bid on. Duration/ man power requirement etc... this hobo-ish lifestyle I live takes a bit of planning ahead.

FB is mostly terrible but I still don't hate it besides the censorship vendetta...that's pretty poor.


It has its uses for sure. I never posted anything there, just kept aprised of stuff now and then. I do without it well enough. I'm more analogue than digital to be honest a d prefer it. I'm a simple dude really. Complicated, and simple at the same time.


lol simple dude, complicated but simple....lmao I wont even begin to cover how contradictory that was. I'm totally both I was going to say digital because I do have an affinity for digital, I don't keep up too much but whatever, I like simple too tho. Depends on the day. We also probably have a decade difference, I grew up digital-ish. I mean it was like dinosaur of digital apps but still.


I'm a complex dude sometimes, the way I think and all in some aspects, but so seek simplicity in life; The simple things. It's hard to explain. You'd have to know me to get it I guess.

I am not a digital mung-bean but I certainly prefer a non-digital life over the alternative. It just doesn't really interest me. I'm a cabin in the woods guy I guess.

Pointing out my dino-age huh? Kick a bloke right in the fucken pills why don't ya! 🤪🤣

Yeah, I probably have ten years on you, am 51. Still rockin' it though Rebecca. Mostly. Except when it's nap time. Blanket over my knees, slippers on and all. 🤣


Well no one can diss nap time..,lets get things strait here young man.

You are about the age I thought you were or acted whatever...I guess that's good news for you. So you have like 13 years on me then if we are going to dino-age things.

I'm complex, I'm every opposite in one sentence. I'm a little too much for myself sometimes but I wouldn't have it any other way.



13 years, might as well be a millenia. 🤪 Sometimes I feel 1000 years old too!

I'd like to be 32 again to be honest, but I'd have to know what I know now.

In truth I can't complain; I go ok and am usually content with who I am, if not what I look like.

Haha, yeah that instruction manual...I'm up to volume 3 and still know diddly fucking squat. Well, I know a few things. 😏😉


I think I saw you the other day but I was afraid to get EMA'd so I just took a picture instead



Lol, yip that's me alright. Don't look too bad for my age huh? How about the size of dat bone too.


looks hungry, I wonder if I can save myself by throwing a few cookies or a slice of pizza in there.


Lol, nothing is going to save you from an EMA smackdown but a cookie or seven might reduce the severity of it.


I'm all for reduced severity, that's up to you tho...



Well, sometimes a full beatdown can be good motivation not to pick on people's age too much, but then again sometimes a partial beatdown can do the same, you know, show some mercy and all. I don't want to make a decision now though, I'm old remember, I might forget my decision by the time it's wup-ass time.


Your on to something with the planet&kid thing. I think about that. It was never really a complete deterrent but like, I don't even want to live could I ever force someone else to? sounds selfish. I come from perspective of I never wanted to be born. Don't get me wrong I don't regret life but also not very fond of a lot of things. I feel like I got dropped off on a strange planet or the wrong century...something like that. I get I need to be here with intent but if I had a choice to be born or not, I'd say...I dunno...not today...not today Sir...probably not tomorrow either....


I think that if many people were honest we'd hear more of this sort of comment. I bumped into a buddy yesterday at the market and we chatted for a bit. He has four kids over two marriages, with two being under ten years old and he pretty much said the same as you, but added the caveat of the fact that he will do his utmost yo prepare them for whatever the world is like when they grow up.

So, I hear you loud and clear. I'm wondering when my home planet is going to beam me back up and off this sinking ship.


I think I missed the ship...or they ditched me unpurpose :( I can be a handful :D


Lol...I'll make sure the spacecraft swings by and picks you up when we leave. Make sure you have some fucken cookies made though. 😂
