Fauna en El Salvador Caballito del diablo un asesino de primer nivel. /Fauna in El Salvador Dragonfly a top-level killer.



Si observas detenidamente verás una libélula, conocida popularmente como Caballito del diablo, un espécimen con 4 alas en su anatomía lo que le da una independencia y autonomia aerea increíble, me atrevería a decir que fue la inspiración para la construcción de los helicópteros con los que pocos muy pocos se mueven por el mundo, este pequeño insecto tiene en su cola un garfio muy fuerte que es el que utiliza para neutralizar a los insectos o pequeños peces que habitan en los charcos o pequeños richuelos, es por ello que lo vemos muchas veces haciendo un ritual como si estuviera mojándose lanzándose hacia el agua o dirigiendo su aguijón hacia ese lugar, y es ahí donde paraliza los insectos que luego le servirán de alimento, de ahí el nombre del título de este post, es de extraordinaria belleza de cuerpo horizontal alargado que para escapar de sus depredadores también se enrolla como una concha similar a los armadillos para ponerse como una coraza de protección, este tiene su alargado cuerpo compuesto de canutos como lo ves 6 en este caso que son demorados por unos anillos blancos que es donde se pliega y hace los cortes para enrollarse, en su cabeza tiene ojos grandes lo que me permite tener una gran visión, sus velocidades son increíbles y sumamente rápidas, por ello pocas veces tendrás la oportunidad de atraparlo con las manos, me atrevería a decir que es casi una tarea imposible, así que aquellos los vemos en su rol de equilibrio natural, alimentándose de insectos pequeños como zancudos y huevos para seguir con su ciclo de reproducción.

Que disfruten las fotos, gracias por la visita recuerden material propio fotos incluidas, traducción al inglés usando traductor recuerden soy un hablante nativo de español.






English traducción:

If you look closely, you will see a dragonfly, popularly known as the dragonfly, a specimen with 4 wings in its anatomy that gives it an incredible air independence and autonomy. I would dare to say that it was the inspiration for the construction of the helicopters with which very few people move around the world. This small insect has a very strong hook in its tail that it uses to neutralize the insects or small fish that inhabit puddles or small streams. That is why we often see it performing a ritual as if it were getting wet by diving into the water or directing its sting towards that place, and that is where it paralyzes the insects that will later serve as food. Hence the name of the title of this post, it is of extraordinary beauty with a long horizontal body that, to escape its predators, also curls up like a shell similar to armadillos to put on a protective shell. It has its elongated body composed of tubes, as you can see 6 in this case, which are delayed by some white rings where it folds and makes the cuts to curl up. It has large eyes on its head, which allows it to have great vision. Its speeds are incredible and extremely fast, so you will rarely have the opportunity to catch it with your hands. I would dare to say that it is almost an impossible task, so those we see in their natural balance, feeding on small insects like mosquitoes and eggs to continue their reproductive cycle.

Enjoy the photos, thank you for the visit, remember my own material including photos, translation into English using a translator, remember I am a native Spanish speaker.




Hi! this content is really cool but it is not crypto or finances related. I invite you to choose a community that fits better and post from the front-end of InLeo.


I have a question, Leo Is for finance only or i could post everything.
Or Is only In inleo i have a question.
Un this case un which Comuniti i could post for leo.
Exist a new call.


Leo Finance the community is for finances and crypto

InLeo the front end is for whatever you want, so you can use our front end to post to other communities, instead of using other front end to write out of topic post on Leo Finance.

For this content a good community might be Amazing Nature.


I hope this helps.


Hey mate, you can post from inleo.io to every community on hive, but if you want to post money related stuff you can do it directly into the 'LeoFinance' community and earn $LEO


Hello, I have a problem with your interface. I can continue using it from a cell phone, but I can't upload multiple photos. I can only upload one at a time. Also, the preview doesn't generate for me, and I don't want to publish it. I've tried to write an article the other day, but when I went to see it, the images didn't load. I had to go to another interface to edit it and upload the photo from there. This was a problem. Also, if I save it as a draft, it doesn't actually save anything. I upload the photo, save it as a draft, go to the draft, and see nothing. So, in order to publish on your interface, I have to upload the photos in another interface, create the article in another interface, copy and paste, come back to edit in your interface. I hadn't wanted to write any of this because I said to myself, "Why bother? I'll just operate in silence." But since you've given me the opportunity, here are my criticisms and comments. As a premium user, I should have access to everything else. I searched for an app in the app store and couldn't find anything. So, I have many criticisms. Sorry if it's harsh, but that's what I've been facing. Please consider this. It's possible that everything is fine if I operate from a computer. But from a phone, I have all these difficulties. I don't know if it's my phone or if I'm connected to a different Leo interface. I'll send a screenshot so you can see what I'm dealing with. Thanks for the openness, but please don't get mad at me for telling you this. I tried the premium subscription silently, without making a fuss, but honestly, in the end, I'm seriously considering whether or not to continue with it because I'm not getting the advantages that I expected, mainly not so much for the votes or security, but for these things that I've mentioned. Also, if I don't want to use any community and just leave it on my blog, it doesn't allow me to do that either. In fact, I tried many times to write without a community and always got an error. Anyway, greetings Erick. I'm sorry, but there is a lot that needs improvement in this thing. And sorry. Thank you. See you soon.


Weird I can see the images perfectly, can you send me a dm on discord?



Here my comenta i can not ser the image.


Pienso igual que tú , es bastante probable que este animal sea la inspiración para aquellos fabricantes de la aerodinámica .
Te deseo un feliz fin de semana y cuídate mucho mano


Gracias mano, estos animales so. A los que les debemos muyucho.
