RE: DHF Proposals Could Use Polls


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Now, imagine a situation where instead of people developing solutions for their particular app, they developed general solutions. Specify an open protocol for how it will work, make backend nodes that anyone can run, and then make it easy for frontends to implement the feature. There is so much repetition of work happening right now, and instead we can think of how to create generalized and highly flexible features or building blocks that anyone can use. I don't think we have a lack of dev power but a lack of this kind of coordination, which incidentally polls can also help with, hopefully.

Developing open-source, general solutions with wider contributions from different corners of an ecosystem should be one of the strongest points of a decentralized system in Web 3. That's why I don't like when we keep returning to the practices from Web 2 of silo development. Maybe because when you control most aspects of development, it seems like you can make it go faster, which may be true in some cases. Cooperation is not always easy, but it is desirable in Web 3.
