The Best Way to Handle Tetanus Disease in Animals and Humans.


We are familiar with tetanus injections, so when there is a form of accident leading to cuts, we rush to the hospital to take tetanus injections, but I will be writing about tetanus in a light where humans and animals are affected by the disease. Tetanus is characterized by septic paralysis, it is caused by the neurotoxin, tetanus toxin (TeNT).
TeNT is produced by Clostridium tetani, which is an environmental soilborne, sporulating, and anaerobic bacterium.

Although every species of animals and humans can get infected with tetanus, there is still considerable variability amongst animal species. The most susceptible animals are; guinea pigs, monkeys, horses, mice, sheep, goats, and humans, but carnivores like dogs and cats are usually less vulnerable.

In humans, symptoms include; difficulty breathing and swallowing, locking of the jaw, and increased muscle stiffness. In animals on the other hand, there is an increased muscle stiffness due to spasms, the affected animal will find it difficult to swallow, and have an unsteady gait. Other symptoms include; tail stiffening, dilated nostrils, body sweats, inability to stand, and anxious expressions due to the muscle spams.

Once access is gained to a tetanus bacilli wound, the body is invaded through a part of blood circulation and general infection. Tetanus toxin happens to be one of the strongest known poisons, with a strong affinity for nervous tissues through which it is easily absorbed. The incubation period of the disease usually lasts for about 7 days.

Vaccination is simply the best protection against tetanus, and that is where the famous tetanus injections we take come into play. Everyone should complete 3 doses of tetanus vaccine, and tetanus booster should be provided within 5 years, but if someone has a cut and has not fulfilled these conditions, medical attention should be gotten instantly.

Tetanus in dogs can take two forms: localized and generalized tetanus. Localized tetanus is a more common form in pets, when a dog gets affected, it shows signs of muscle rigidity in the muscle or limb closest to the wound. Aside from muscle rigidity, muscle tremors are also noticeable. Over time, localized tetanus could progress to becoming a generalized one, although this is a rare case.

Generalized tetanus, on the other hand, affects a great part of the body. An affected animal may begin to walk in a stiffy manner, with its tail held in an upward manner or extended out behind it, the animal may get so stiff that it becomes extremely difficult for it to bend its legs and it would develop what is known as 'sawhorse stance' with the four legs in a rigid extension.

With generalized tetanus, the muscles of the face are affected, which may result in the development of a third eyelid, a wrinkled forehead, and lips being held in an expression term. An affected dog may find it difficult to swallow resulting in eating difficulties as well as excessive salivation.

Tetanus is based on exam findings, it could be based on physical examination. Other available tests can be used to detect the presence of tetanus toxin or C tetanin bacteria, these tests are usually not the normal recommended type and they are unreliable. Other tests include blood tests, chest X-rays, and urinalysis.

Early administration of tetanus antitoxin may reduce how severe the clinical signs are, the antitoxin functions by binding to circulate tetanus toxin, and it will prevent it from getting attached to the nerve cells. But once the toxin is already attached to the nerves, antitoxin will not have any benefit.

Antibiotics can also be used to treat tetanus, although, it doesn't have any effect on the toxin, it will help stop the release of further toxin. If a visible wound is identified in your pet, the vet may recommend surgical debride on the wound, this procedure means all dead tissue surrounding the wound will be removed.

Dogs who have tetanus will be taken to intensive nursing care, IV fluids are used to prevent dehydration and if the dog is unable to eat, a feeding tube may be required. Dogs need to be kept clean, with soft bedding provided to prevent every form of sore, they also need to be turned regularly.

Remember I mentioned before that, cats and dogs have low susceptibility, so tetanus vaccination is not often recommended for this species like other animals and humans. So, the most effective way to prevent tetanus is to ensure that wounds receive prompt veterinary treatments, and the wounds should be thoroughly flushed.



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Thank you for the enlightening article.

Tetanus is characterized by septic paralysis

What is septic paralysis?

The incubation period of the disease usually lasts for about 7 days.

Actually it is about 3 to 21 days, with an average of 14days.


Appreciate the time taken to read.
