Items that could cause food poisoning in your pets

When we hear about food poisoning in humans, we know it has to do with ingesting a meal that has previously been contaminated with bacteria, parasites, viruses, or toxins from the agent, which in turn brings about sickness.

When a pet is a food poisoned, it is usually often an ingestion of an inappropriate food that isn't going as well as it should, veterinarians refer to this condition as, ''garbage gut'', remember that dogs are so inquisitive that the possibility of ingesting a foreign material is not far from them.


Generally, it is usually a short time between when your pet has consumed a contaminated food and when he begins to show a form of physical reaction, how severe the symptoms of food poisoning are is dependent on the type of bacteria ingested. The symptoms of food poisoning in an affected pet include; Diarrhea, vomiting, hyperactivity, severe thirst, dizziness, cramping, uncontrolled urinating, panting, and salivation.

When the situation gets severe, it brings about conditions like; tremors, heart palpitations, seizures, and eventual death. Here are a few ways your dear pet may pick up food poisoning;

  • Through compost and garbage: To most dogs, garbage is a sweet delicacy, but we know the garbage is filled with several contaminated items that need to be off-limit to our dear pets. It is your duty as a pet owner to ensure that your waste bins are completely inaccessible to pets.

  • Fecal matter: Some dogs find fecal matter very tempting, but it isn't healthy for them as it signals a serious stomach upset.

  • Dead/Decaying animals: Decaying or dead animals can be found in the woods or on the side of the road, you need to ensure that your pet does not have access to them, as they carry some severe parasites or bacteria that could lead to serious stomach upset and in some cases very serious illness.

  • Raw or undercooked food: If not handled properly, feeding your pet with a raw or undercooked meal can cause serious food poisoning effect. raw bones can also create foreign bodies that now need to be removed surgically.

  • Your pet could develop listeriosis through the consumption of contaminated meat, eggs, poultry, raw vegetables, and generally unpasteurized dairy products.

  • Chocolate has theobromine, it is in all kinds of chocolate including white ones. It could make a dog vomit and have diarrhea, leading to heart problems, seizures, tremors, and eventual death.

  • Xylitol: Baked goods, toothpaste, diet food, candy, and gum can cause the blood sugar of your pet to drop which could cause liver failure.

  • Avocado: Avocado has a substance called persin, which could cause vomiting and serious stomach upset. Persin also exists in seeds, leaves, bark, and even fruits.

  • Garlic and onions: Either in their powdered, cooked, raw, or dehydrated form, make sure they are kept away from your pets as their consumption could destroy their red blood cells causing anemia.

  • Raisins and Grapes: Feeding your pet with raisins and grapes could cause kidney failure in dogs, even a very small amount could make the dog sick, and cause consistent vomiting. Within 24 hours, the pet may get sluggish and depressed.

  • Milk and dairy products: When the weather is hot, you may feel tempted to share your ice cream with your pet, but instead of that, just give water. Giving your pets diary products may create digestive problems that will trigger food allergies which could even make them itch.


When your pet begins to vomit, try to offer them just water but not food making sure they are in a relaxed and comfortable space. If the vomiting continues or you notice that he starts to vomit water or any type of neurological sign, call your vet instantly.
The earlier you have your pet checked by a vet, the less stressful and economical it will be, and saving your pet is even more important.

Sometimes, food toxicity may be mistaken for food poisoning, because while it may be tempting to throw some of our food at our pet when they give us some cute eye signal, it may not be healthy for them as some human foods cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs. Items like; chocolates, coffee, alcohol, nuts, yeast dough, salty snacks, macadamia nuts, and onions.

The fact that some dogs got free from eating these items doesn't mean the same fate will automatically apply to yours, this is because pets are sensitive in different ways, one more sensitive than the other. So, even a very small amount of human food can make another dog sick, some pets only need a small snack to get sick.



Really valuable advice on the signs of food poisoning in pets. Sometimes we may not realize the severity because they can't tell us how they feel. It's a good reminder to watch what they eat and always be observant of changes in their behavior


We must be observant when it comes to our pets, since they cannot speak to us. Thanks for reading.


The last time I experienced food poisoning wasn't funny, so I can only imagine what these animals who cannot speak go through having no one to bear their pains with.


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I really learnt alot from this. Now I know what to avoid especially with my dogs
