Photography lovers:a wide variety of mushrooms and beautiful wildflowers

hello photography lovers
The atmosphere around me feels cool, today I am back for all of you with some pictures that I have prepared, as for today's pictures that I want to display in this very special community are some beautiful and cute types of mushrooms and I have also prepared some pictures of wildflowers that are very famous as princess malu. Indeed, to hunt mushrooms we have to give up our bodies bitten by mosquitoes because we hunt them into the forest. The habitat of mushrooms is very much in the forest, if we want to look for it, although there are some types of mushrooms that we can easily get that grow around us. But if we want to play into the forest, of course they will receive the kit well, which is important when we find them lest we damage them.









**flaking oysters (Cepridotus mollis)
While I was walking around in a garden owned by my opponent and coincidentally beside a hut in the garden there was a pile of used wood that had been weathered, and I searched for beautiful mushrooms, I began to look among the crush of used wood, and I found a kind of mushroom growing on the weathered board, I began to slowly lift the board so that the mushrooms growing on the wood were not damaged, the mushroom mang I found was very small and white. This mushroom is very beautiful and I began to find out about the name of this mushroom, finally the mushroom I saw earlier was a type of oyster mushroom that peeled or often referred to in scientific language cepridotus mollis although it looks small this mushroom has a very attractive beauty.





**New mushroom coal(Daldinia concentrica) **
This type of mushroom is interesting for us to discuss tonight, this new mushroom coal has a different body shape from several other types of mushrooms, they have a very unique body shape, at the beginning of the first time I found it I was a little surprised to see this type of mushroom, but let it look very strange I still add it from several different angles, This mushroom is classified as one type of mushroom that is highly toxic, although it looks at first glance from its shape that is not soft, but behind it has toxic substances in the body, in scientific language this new mushroom is often referred to as daldania concentrica when I take some parts of this new mushroom coals I have to cover my nose and mouth to avoid toxic substances in his body. Because it is very dangerous for our health. While I was still able to prevent it, I kept it going.





Princess Shy
This wild plant has a very different uniqueness, because apart from its beautiful flowers, this wild plant also has one advantage that we do not find in other wild plants. Well try you touch the leaves of this embarrassed princess plant, surely the leaves will dim and wither by themselves, but after a few minutes dimming the leaves of this princess mau plant will wake up by itself, that's the greatness of this wild plant.
Here are some pictures that I found today that I want to show you all, hopefully with some of the pictures above can make you enjoy them.
greetings from me @furkanmamplwm
