Monomad: two different objects
Hello black and white friends, everyone
Good evening to everyone, back again on my blog tonight in black and white photography, as usual I have prepared some pictures today of two different objects, one of the parasitic plants, a type of perennial plant and one of the species of dragonfly insects that I managed to capture today.
This morning when I went to the backyard of the house suddenly on one of the rocks that was already covered with moss perched on one of the species of dragonfly insects, I saw this dragonfly like it was still asleep and I moved slowly to capture some pictures of the dragonfly standing on this moss, for today I focused more on the eyeballs, Because I think the two eyeballs of this dragonfly are very beautiful and charming.
Looking at this one katumpangan plant, made my eyes go towards it, one perennial plant in my opinion has its own unique side, they often plant around mosses, and I am very curious about this one katumpangan , whether they belong to the moss family, I don't know it, but I like the texture of this one katumpangan leaves.
These two different objects will be included in the daily #monomad challenge organized and curated by @monochromes
Thank you very much to all of you who have taken a little time to read this post of mine, hopefully it can be useful for all of us.
Greetings from me @furkanmamplam
A completely different world!
Agree with your words, thank you very much for your comment, have a nice day.
Excellent details of the dragonfly's eyes. Loved your photos @furkanmamplam. Greetings and nice day ☺️
Thank you my friend, glad you liked it, have a nice day 💗
Details 😍
Thanks you so much my friend.
Excellent photos my friend, I always learn from your publications, greetings.
Thank you very much my friend for the comments and compliments, the macro world has its own advantages, I am happy to do this job.