Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #12


Howdy, StemSocial friends! I'm a 3rd year resident doctor in an inner city hospital. This is a blog to document some of the experiences I encounter as a training doctor, and some of the things that I learn in the process. After all, being a physician means that I'll be learning some fascinating topics for the rest of my career, and seeing how I can use those to help patients.


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The next multiple entries in this series will be notes that I take from my question bank; I am using these posts as a way to bolster my attention the questions and to consolidate the information I learn. They are my own summaries of key points within the questions that I am practicing, so do not take them as medical gospel – rather, as learning points from which to further build knowledge. If the topics appear scattered, it is because the questions are randomized. Once I complete my board examination I will resume these chronicles with a more story-like approach, as with my prior entries. Let's get started with today's key points:

  • Atypical depression --> mood improves with pleasurable activities, weight gain / increased appetite, hypersomnia, leaden paralysis (limbs feel heavy), rejection sensitivity
  • Adjustment disorder resolves within 6 months, dysthymia is 2+ years (symptom free 2+ months maximum at a time), MDD with melancholic features = anhedonia with no mood improvement with pleasurable activities, interrupted sleep, decreased appetite
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) for L main coronary artery stenosis >70%, 3 vessel disease not treatable with PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention)
  • For unstable angina, give morphine, B blockers, ASA, nitrates, O2; if EKG/troponins abnormal, evaluate with coronary angiography +/- PCI
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage --> worst headache of life, sudden onset, mild nuchal rigidity, due to ruptured aneurysm; CT Head = blood in cisterns ("center" of brain), lumbar puncture = yellow/pink, increased pressure, slightly high white count + red count, high protein, normal glucose
  • Bacterial meningitis = headache, photophobia, petechial rash, nuchal rigidity; LP = neutrophil predominant, low glucose, high protein, white color
  • Viral meningitis / encephalitis = slightly milder than bacterial; LP = lymphocyte predominant, normal glucose, high protein + opening pressure, high RBCs, clear; HSV encephalitis most common
  • Fungal meningitis = similar symptoms; LP = lymphocyte predominant, normal glucose, high protein, cloudy
  • Autoimmune CNS disease (multiple sclerosis, Guillain=Barre, autoimmune encephalitis) LP = clear fluid, normal opening pressure, normal WBCs, slightly elevated proteins (from oligoclonal bands), slightly elevated RBCs; with Guillain-Barre there is albuminocytologic dissociation (high protein, normal white count)
  • Peripheral arterial disease → claudication (leg pain when walking) + weakness + shiny hairless skin → ankle-brachial index (compares blood pressure in upper extremity vs. lower extremity)
  • Spinal stenosis → improves with bending over / sitting, worse when straight / walking downhill; NSAIDs → steroids → surgery
  • Asymptomtic bacteriuria in pregnancy (bacteria in urine >100,000 Units, no symptoms) @ 1st prenatal visit → treat (i.e. E coli with nitrofurantoin/ampicllin/cephalexin, avoid trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) = teratogenic
  • Osteopathy: avoid muscle energy treatments in crtically ill patients, those with recent surgery, MI, hemorrhagic stroke, hypertensive emergency; HVLA contraindications → pregnancy (ligament laxity), osteoporosis
  • Acute renal failure → most commonly due to prerenal acute renal failure (BUN:Cr >20:1, urine Na <20, FENa <1% = fractional excretion of sodiu, urine osmolality >500, hyaline casts in urine) caused by volume depletion, liver failure/cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, sepsis, antihypertensives, renal artery stenosis
  • Acute tubular necrosis = granular / brown muddy casts, renal tubular casts, FENa >2%
  • IgA nephropathy → nephritic; few days after upper respiratory or GI infection, RBC casts, proteinuria, hematuria
  • Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis → 2 weeks after upper respiratory infection, RBC casts, proteinuria, hematuria
  • Renal tubular acidosis → non-anion gap hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
  • Osteopathy: muscle energy (active, direct or indirect) mechanisms = respiratory assistance (on ribs), reciprocal inhibition (contracting antagonist muscle makes target muscle relax), post isometric relaxation, joint mobilization using muscle force (muscle contraction used to reposition a joint), oculocephalogyric reflex (extraocular movements to relax cervical and trunk muscles), crossed extensor reflex (contract contralateral muscle to relax target muscle)
  • Osteopathy: muscle energy on ribs → inhalation dysfunction (ribs stuck up) = patient exhales + lifts head up (for ribs 1-5, pump handle motion) or exhales + reaches for isolateral knee (for ribs 6-10, bucket handle motion)
  • Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome with history of thrombosis → lifelong anticoagulation with warfarin; if pregnant, low molecular weight heparin until week 36-37 then start heparin bridging (except if mechanical heart valve is present, then use low-dose warfarin + ASA or restart warfarin in 2nd trimester) or directly to heparin if pulmonary embolus is present, severe renal insufficiency, or labor is imminent
  • Clopidogrel (Plavix) → drug-eluting coronary + peripheral artery stents, recent strokes
  • Secondary amenorrhea (absent menstrual cycle 3+ months due to secondary cause, i..e pregnancy, deficiency of GnRH = gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus → low FSH, low estrogen, low gonadotropins → ovarian follicles don’t develop → no LH surge → no ovulation); GnRH deficiency causes = low body weight, anorexia, excess exercise, stress
  • Primary ovarian insufficiency → early menopause, low estrogen → high GnRH → high FSH + LH from anterior pituitary gland
  • PCOS → high androgens, oligomenorrhea, facial hair, weight gain, insulin resistance, acne
  • Pituitary adenoma → high prolactin (also due to pregnancy, antipsychotics, hypothyroidism)

I hope you've enjoyed these little notes of topics I learned as a resident in an inner city hospital. I'll have many more stories and learning experiences coming in the future, so stay tuned.


  2. COMQUESTMED (my question bank for learning information)
  3. Me 😊

Disclaimer: this blog is for entertainment (and possibly educational) purposes only. This is not medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns about your own health, please contact a healthcare provider.

Here are the previous editions of this blog:
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #11
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #10
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #9
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #8
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #7
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #6
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #5
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #4
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #3
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #2
Chronicles of an Inner City Hospital Resident Doctor #1

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