Do you have tools in your toolbox to cope with stress from being active outside your comfort zone?


It was just a matter of time. I was expecting another challenge from my internet friend Nelson @cptsilva

As the chosen title says, stress from being outside your comfort zone. It makes perfect sense if you are someone that is all about making changes that are most beneficial for the whole of your community. For me, my community is PEPT and it is all inclusive cause I learn the most from people that are different than me. So please, let us not take this post outside of its purpose.

I have said to the world on many occasion, that 2016 was a year of enlightenment for me. I figured if Donald Trump could be President of the United States of America anything was possible. So I decided that I could generate a wealth in excess of $100 million US from online activities.

To do so met being a disruptor in the traffic exchanging world. As you can see, read, Learn-Before-You-Earn, it's PEPT Philosophy 101 that guides every decision I make, including giving Nelson some publicity he obviously seeks.

The above snippet is from my internet friend. He is a friend, not a foe and does represent an easily identifiable demographics. We are all vulnerable in many ways since no human is perfect. Why I focus on well thought out strategies for success. I do what is necessary to ensure a project delivers as expected. That includes addressing all obstacles that get in your way and to do such that it converts negative energy to positive energy.

Yesterday, I shared an opportunity for Hivers to get in on what I believe is a great deal.

Follow the link to learn more. Now about the Nelson site review. I am the most active member on #CTPX Xplore

The site review feature of CTPX is foundational to the services provided by the #CTP team. It only makes sense that I xplore the full potential of services provided. After a period of testing I did make the commitment to a one year upgrade. You do not learn much if you just make noise from a sideline. and if you do not confront the noise from the sideline you will not be as successfully as you could be. I believe most failures are a direct result of not being able to cope with noise. I can see some people receiving feedback, as I just did and it causing one to re-think spending more time on a particular platform.

Now it appears..

argues with me about the white papers

Nelson is still upset that I have not produced a white paper. Sometimes he tells me he doesn't care and says I can do what I want. Go figure. #lolz

In the past, he has raised a lot of valid points, as others have and I do have a record of all feedback. I review feedback from time to time, I make notes, and I am always waiting for the next opportunity where I can be most tactical in my project deployment.

My first reaction to the site review was thinking that he was just being a bellend but now I remember I said I would not call him that anymore. !Oops

The best way to cope with stress is to practice what you preach. Most people don't. You just have to read the blogs I created on our traffic exchanging community. I have provided methods and techniques to help you learn before you earn online.

Nelson says...

He claims transparency but

It is not just a claim, Nelson
You should apply a little P-D-C-A methodology.

By the way Nelson, what was your purpose of the site review? Does it align with the intension of the service provider?

If you make time to read this, and I know many that will, I want you to clear your mind of noise before you evaluate and provide a quality feedback. More importantly, if you are in business as I am, and you value your brand and deliverables, please apply some best business practices within your PEPT Online Wellness Lifestyle

Schedule time to manage stress. This can be as simple as adopting a standard or putting to paper what core value means to you. For me, honesty is near the top of the list. So much so that I believe all evil has dishonesty as a root cause. I use Love and Knowledge as my shield.

#Luv and positive energy to all.

By the way, did I mention that #pept is trading well below it's book value.


Hahaha your such a goof bro. Yes, I agree you are my moron idiot internet friend with shit for brains.

This part is funny: "Nelson is still upset that I have not produced a white paper."

I'm not upset if you have it or not. What bothered me about it was, I wasn't the only one who asked you about it. I noticed how you attacked me right away when I asked about them. And how respectfully you declined the others that asked/bothered you about it. Honestly, like i told you many times before but for some reason you can't get it ariound your shit for brains. I don't give 2 shits for TE, not yours or anyone elses.

Now when I asked you about those papers and got attacked asap for asking, we were friends, at least I think we were. I was asking for my own info. You don't have it or don;t want it so be it. I don't care because 1. I won't be earning any PEPT, Actually the gold doesn't come from epay or pept or any of that bull shit. It actually comes from one of Klara sites. Which one? Who cares, the gold is rip off anyways.

And no pept framework is not better than a white paper. The WP has everything I need to know, your framework I would have to search for a bunch of pages to put them all together. You don't create a whitpaper if your hiding something that you don't want other to know. SO what are you hiding?

But its amazing how you never met me before, only way you know me a little bit id from these stupid ass TE when I was active with that bull shit. If I knew you would of had that much hatred towards me all for asking about WP I wouldn't of asked because I don;t care about your site(s) espcially the TE. Your personality suck the moose cock. In your little mind you bag lick who you think are the big players, and try to step on us small players. Actually, I thought about that I am not a player. I don't support any online business.

Now that I have seen how your a crazy piece of shit with mental problems. There is no value in me wasting my precious time with you and your dumbass mental break downs. I think you still need to find your enlightment. You are no where near being a nice person. There is a difference between a nice person and person who bag licks to be liked or respected. Thats you and that why I could never give you my full respect. I do not respect simp men. I believe strongly you are 100% simp man.

Fuck you
Fuck off
Go suck a fat dick you fucking simp.


You should consider making adjustment to your brain chemistry. !lol
Checkout the following.

Just so you know Nelson, I am not responsible for your feelings. And your name calling and insults are very indicative of a Trump follower. You may have similar belief systems.

I do thank you for helping me generate the necessary motivation to get going on the wellness component of PEPT

Wishing you the best and thank you for stopping by. Don't worry about the litter you left behind. It will be there forever. I wonder what triggered your rant yesterday. I was in the garage enjoying some meds and I got a phone notification for online support. No name was given but it had FU so you got my attention. Can I help you with your TE needs? I do hope you adjust you meds so readers can get value from your sharing.


Hahaha nobody ever told you that you are responsible for my feelings. I have no feeling when it comes to you.

No need for meds of any kind here because nobody is sick here. We all good here with our lives.

I have no need for TE, why even ask me if i need help with that garbage i do not use?

Also, I don't smoke weed because I am sick or anything. I am a recreational smoker. You are the one with mental sickness that needs to smoke/eat it to get better from whatever mental sickness you got. I think your mentality sickness that you need meds for is what affecting our friendship. You're a cunt bro. I can't be friends with you. You remind me of those who are my friends only when I am facing them, once my back is turned the shit starts. And what's worse is that you don't hear me.

SO for now, fuck off you fucking cunt. And go suck a fat dick you simp.



ok so you are not an internet friend but an internet foe

No need for meds of any kind here because nobody is sick here.

Ok You know best. Just noticing your behaviour suggesting some cause for concern.

I think your mentality sickness that you need meds for is what affecting our friendship.

There never was any friendship. Your more of an online virus with an unmanaged ego. There are/is no reason for me to like you. Never was because you have always been insulting and disrespectful to many people when your online. In fact, you have said so on more than one occasion. At best, until you become more respectful of others, I see you as an example of unwanted noise that comes from an unmanaged ecosystem. It was just a matter of time that you would turn again me and my online objectives. Your very predictable in the way you project things. Another commonality with Trump. Very uncanny. !lol
