Reasons to believe in God (Part 2 of 2): MCGI Topic Review



Concluding this two-part enlightening series, Brother Eli Soriano’s final lesson is a journey that connects faith to reason.

The end part of the video teaching picks up from where it left on part one, and argues persuasively for the existence of God on both emotional and intellectual grounds.

This lesson pivots around Brother Eli’s argument that it is illogical not to believe in God. He doesn’t mince his words by asserting that in his view people who doesn't believe in God are ‘foolish.’ Though it may sound harsh, these words underline the determination with which Brother Eli approaches this subject. It isn’t getting hurtful but awakening us into action and questioning our own beliefs.

One thing makes this lesson unique: Brother Eli uses analogy as a persuasive technique. This story of the two scientists – one believing while another an atheist – works very well as a thought experiment. By simulating a miniature model of solar system, the believer scientist shows how silly we are if we think complex systems can happen without intelligent design. Through this parable, we realize that we should apply similar rational thinking found in manmade items to nature so that even skeptical individuals might change their minds.

Clearly, Brother Eli’s manner of instruction in this lesson is exceptional specifically for the way in which he combines biblical insight and scientific awareness. For example, he does not hesitate to bring up how complicated our universe can be – from the intricacies of planet alignment in the solar system to galaxies as far as we know; this shows that faith and science are not mutually exclusive. Rather, it is his contention that an individual’s understanding of God can be enhanced through a greater knowledge about the cosmos.

This lesson also briefly touches on how Earth is uniquely suited for life. According to Brother Eli, our planet is designed to be our home as opposed to Mars or Jupiter. This seems consistent with the concept of “Goldilocks zone”-which describes a region around a star where conditions are just right for life as we know it. By saying so, Brother Eli makes us see the apparent intentionality of our existence and place within the world.

A key scripture reference appears from Romans 1:19-20 where God's invisible qualities are evident through His creations. Also, these words show Brother Eli’s view that nature contains clues pointing towards God’s person and existence. We should thus look at creation anew with different eyes beyond what we have known.

Given his final word on the matter, we are called upon to engage our intellects in matters of faith. Brother Eli’s teachings are clear that belief in God does not need to be blind or irrational. Instead, he goes ahead and illustrate how reason and logic can actually strengthen and intensify our faith.

These closing questions enable us to think deeply: What would be different about our worldview if we treated the universe as an outcome of intelligent design rather than a random event? How does this affect how we live our lives? And how do we develop a mind that is open to seeing God at work in everyday life?

By encouraging thinking alongside feeling through one’s spiritual journey, brother Eli gives us a frame for deeper understanding and more intellectual satisfying faith. In a world often divided between religion and science, Brother Eli presents a refreshing alternative point of view. They remind us that the path to spiritual truth can also be scientific in nature.


May God bless his word.
Thanks for sharing


I learned from this review. Thank you for sharing.
