The works of creation are beautiful and well arranged with each having a distinct uniqueness and function. The universe is made up of the planets, the planetary bodies, the solar system, nature as it were, the atmosphere and other things. The earth is one of the nine planets which inhabits we humans and other living things primarily and has features such as the water bodies, the hills, mountains and many other things. Man been an inquisitive being begins to explore and research beyond the earth realm based on observations, experiences and patterns.

Based on times and seasons, events and observations right from the inception, we humans seeks to know more about the outer space like the sun, the moon, other planets, the stars etc. For example, the formation of cloud before raining, the rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ, lights and thunderings, seasonal variations, the stars/moons/sun all caught the attention of we humans and we seek to give a reasonable explanation to why things are so the way they are. In addition, back in the primitive days, we have some sets of people that studies the stars, moons and by this make predictions about some future events and it comes to pass. So all these triggers space exploration even from the primordial days.


In the process of time, the world of science seeks to find out more details and reasonable explanations for realm beyond the planet earth haven observed the gravitational force and weightlessness and one of the major breakthroughs is that of Galileo Galilei in 1609 who was the first person to observe "heavens" using his telescope. Thereafter, there was use of long distance rocket weapons which triggered more research into space exploration. An outstanding breakthrough for mankind was that of Neil Armstrong on July 20, 1969 who stepped into the moon for the very first time in what is referred to Apollo missions and this heralded the orbit communications, satellite studies and a new dawn in space studies.

In modern era, based on progress made in the space science, disciplines like astronomy, aeroscience, geoscience, metrological science and other related fields sprang up providing the long awaited and anticipated answers to human inquisition. Now, based on advance studies and breakthrough in space studies, the weather can be forecasted hereby preventing from potential dangers that might arise like flooding and to better prepare ahead for the future e.g. planting season in Agriculture.


One of the most thrilling area for me in space science is that of global warming and green house effect. I found this so captivating right from my secondary school education because it made me to realise the implications of some human activities like deforestation, urbanization, burning fossils, exploration, mining, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and gas flaring etc and how to rightly manage such. Climate change and global warming has drawn attention of many nations as it is becoming a matter of urgent concern. I remembered that late last year till about middle of this year, there was a heat wave based on global warming all which space science has provided answers to.

In addition, natural phenomenon like eclipse either of the sun or of the moon was better understood in the light of space science. In addition, new invetions as regards satellite technology and communications was better understood by breakthroughs in space science especially the telecommunications. The invention of aircrafts for transportation from the background scientific study of gravitational law and rocket science made life easier for we humans to navigate from one end to another. Most importantly, the use of solar energy from the sun came from the space science of the solar system consisting of the earth and the nine planets.


It's exciting to have known about the earths rotation and revolution as it relates to times and seasons based on the spherical nature of the earth through spatial science. Therefore, right from the inception of man even to the time of stargazers, "wisemen" that observes the spatial space and makes predictions up until now with advanced knowledge, the impacts and effects of space science is well acknowledged and researched into with its usefulness found in communication, agriculture, health and in other areas of life. Thanks for reading and comments, contributions and suggestions are highly welcomed.

This is my participation post in #Juneinleo monthly prompt for day 08 by the #inleo. Check out this to get involved. @mikechrist, @johnuko and @adyma, you are invited to join this initiative THUMBNAIL DESIGNED USING CANVA

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



we humans seeks to know more about the outer space like the sun, the moon, other planets, the stars etc.

Stars, moons, planets, and other celestial bodies are not outer space. Quite in contrary - outer space is anything beyond them.

Besides, it would be cool if your Inleo Monthly Prompt entries were actually written by you in person, without generative AI or rewritting other articles.


Thanks for the correction.

Point of correction if I may, I have never used AI in my life talkless for writing here on hive or for academic purpose. Also, I write by myself i.e. in person based on ideas and inspirations I have about a topic not after scavenging ideas from other people and it reflects in the time I sent it today as the second or third person that submitted.

All the same, thanks for pointing my attention to the fact that the stars, moon and other planets are not outer space, I'm just hearing this for the first time anyways based on my previous understanding and i will research on it more.



Then perhaps writting on a topic you're not familiar with is not the best approach ;) Focus on something you relate to instead, you'd likely get more engagement with such content.


Indeed man has able to explore the universe for his own benefit.


Exactly ๐Ÿ’ฏ
Thanks for reading and commenting


๐Ÿ˜‚, Always inviting me. Feels ๐Ÿ‘, you prompted me to write today. This an excellent write up. Its true when you said there us more in science we need tot know.



Exactly ๐Ÿ’ฏ

More indeed

Thanks for reading and commenting
