One of the best thing that happened to life and humanity is science. If not for the advent of science, life would have remained a mystery with so many questions unanswered and challenges unresolved. One of the most evolved, engaged and productive field of study is science which I'm glad to be part of as a scientist (health scientist in specific). From human inception, certain patterns and observations were noticed which generated some questions which by scientific explanations were answered reasonably.

Scientific philosophy starts with observations of certain events, patterns in daily human activities which leads to the formation of an hypothesis which is a reasonable guess prompting researches through experimentation to be made from which certain principles and laws were developed after consistent results has been achieved. For example, in the olden days, it was found out that some medicinal leaves after collection from the field at a certain time of the day were found to be more potent than those collected at another time of the day.


In performing scientific experiments and researches, some were not ready welcomed as it goes against some believes whether religious, cultural or tribal but in the long run turns out to be beneficial with impacts which are undeniable and evident. Science has indeed come along way and has been beneficial to human on many aspects/fields such health, education, manufacturing, agriculture and many more. Although, during the course of discovery and experimentation, some came with inherent dangers and some lead to some casualties. However, science has been beneficial to the human race.

Scientific discoveries, inventions and innovations has been beneficial to man which includes the discovery of antibiotics to fight infections especially from microorganisms which negatively affects human health. Also, the scientific invention of invitro fertilisation method which has put smiles to many as regards conception is also a major breakthrough of science as it regards procreation. In addition, scientific applications in terms of technologies has made life easy for we humans with examples ranging from the use of mobile phones, internet facilities etc.


The discovery of certain medicinal agents used now as drugs and that of vaccination has helped to reduce "untimely unexplained deaths" in the past most especially those that involved pregnant women and children. In the same light, the discovery of genotype, blood group and Rhesus factor has helped humanity from diseases such as sickle cell disease and helped in blood transfusion aswell. Now, there are hybrid and cross breed plants and animals of better quality and good productivity based on scientific discoveries and success on evolution and genetics.

Personally, i believed that science has been of a great and remarkable help to humanity though it also came with some undesired effects/inventions like use of biological weapons during wars in the past, use of nuclear weapons, deaths associated during drug trials especially in the past, cloning, negative use of scientific inventions and applications (technologies) like hacking, cyber crimes etc. I believe that science has alot to offer if well maximized and leveraged on for a better and quality living.


Limitations to science can come from wrong believes and perceptions about science either religious, cultural or tribal based. For example, some parts of developing countries still have reservations about vaccinations believing it is designed to reduced their population which isn't true. Some religious sect still oppose blood transfusion which is meant to save lifes while ignorance has led to some getting married without the knowledge of their partner's genotype and blood group. Therefore, science should be seen with the right perspective and every biases should be careful reviewed. Thanks for reading and comments, contributions and suggestions are highly welcomed.

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Science is indeed the best thing so far that has happened to humanity, bring ground breaking discoveries


Exactly 💯
I agree with you ma
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Science has been very beneficial in the aspect of health particularly. Imagine the amount of lives that have been saved because of scientific innovations over the years


True 💯
Scientific impact as regards health cannot be overemphasized.

Thanks for reading and commenting
